Scheduled Script Deployment Record

Before you can submit a scheduled script instance to SuiteCloud Processors, you must first create at least one deployment record for the script.

Body Fields




A link to the script record associated with the deployment


This value cannot be changed, even on a new deployment record. If you begin the process of creating a deployment and realize that you have selected the wrong script record, you must start the process over.


The user-defined name for the deployment


A unique identifier for the deployment:

  • If this field is left blank when the deployment is created, the system generates the ID.

  • You should enter a custom ID if you plan to bundle the script and deployment for installation into another account. This reduces the risk of naming conflicts. Custom IDs must be all lower case and cannot contain spaces. You can use “_” as a delineator.


For both custom and system-defined IDs, the system appends the string “customdeploy” to the ID.

Although not preferred, you can edit this value on an existing deployment. To do this, click Edit on the deployment record. Then click Change ID.


Indicates whether the deployment is active. This box must be checked if you want your script to execute. If you don't check the box:

  • The script does not execute, even if a submission schedule is configured on the Schedule subtab.

  • The Save and Execute option no longer displays on the Save dropdown when the deployment record is in edit mode.

  • The script cannot be submitted programmatically. For more information, see Submitting an On Demand Scheduled Script Instance from Another Script.


This value determines how and when a script can be submitted to SuiteCloud Processors for processing. Possible options are:

  • Testing: You can test the script in the SuiteScript Debugger as a deployed script. For more information about debugging deployed scripts, see Debugging Deployed SuiteScript 1.0 and SuiteScript 2.0 Server Scripts and Debugging Deployed SuiteScript 2.1 Server Scripts. Deployed debugging is restricted to the script owner.

  • Scheduled: You can schedule a single or recurring automatic submission of the script on the Schedule subtab. You cannot submit an on demand instance of the script when it has this status.


    If you schedule a recurring submission of the script, the script's deployment status on the Scheduled Script Status Page remains as Scheduled, even after the script completes its execution.

  • Not Scheduled: The script is not currently scheduled for automatic submission. You can submit an on demand instance of the script with either:

    You can submit an on demand instance of the script only if there is no other unfinished instance of the same script.

See Scheduled Script Submission for a table that compares scheduled script submissions to the Status value.

See Instances

A link to the Scheduled Script Status Page, filtered for all deployment instances of the script associated with this particular deployment.

Log Level

This value determines the information logged for this deployment. Entries are displayed on the Execution Log subtab. Possible options are:

  • Debug: Generally set when a script is in testing mode. A log level set to Debug shows all Audit, Error, and Emergency information in the script log.

  • Audit: Generally set for scripts running in production mode. A log level set to Audit provides a record of events that have occurred during the processing of the script (for example, “A request was made to an external site”).

  • Error: Generally used for scripts running in production mode. A log level set to Error shows only unexpected script errors in the script log.

  • Emergency: Generally used for scripts running in production mode. A log level set to Emergency shows only the most critical errors in the script log.

Execute as Role

For scheduled script deployments, this value is automatically set to Administrator and cannot be edited.


This value impacts when the SuiteCloud Processors scheduler sends the scheduled script job to the processor pool. By default, this field is set to Standard. For additional information, see SuiteCloud Processors Priority Levels


Each SuiteScript 2.x scheduled script instance is handled by a single job within SuiteCloud Processors.


You must understand SuiteCloud Processors before you change this setting.

Possible options are:

  • High: Use to mark critical jobs that require more immediate processing. The scheduler sends these jobs to the processor pool first.

  • Standard: This is the default setting. It is considered to be a medium priority level. The scheduler sends these jobs to the processor pool if there are no high priority jobs waiting.

  • Low: Use to mark jobs that can tolerate a longer wait time. The scheduler sends these jobs to the processor pool if there are no high or standard priority jobs waiting.

Queue (Deprecated)

This field is deprecated with the introduction of SuiteCloud Processors. After you click Remove Queue, it no longer displays on the deployment record.

Schedule Subtab

Note that the Schedule subtab is available regardless of the option selected as the Status.



Single Event

The scheduled script task is submitted only one time. Use this option if you want to schedule a future one time submission.

Daily Event

The scheduled script task is submitted every x number of days. If you schedule the submission to recur every x minutes or hours, the schedule will start over on the next scheduled day.

For example, your deployment is set to submit daily, starting at 3:00 am and recurring every five hours. A scheduled script instance is submitted at 3:00 am, 8:00 am, 1:00 pm, 6:00 pm, and 11:00 pm. At midnight, the schedule starts over and the next submission is at 3:00 am.

Weekly Event

The scheduled script instance is submitted at least one time per scheduled week. If you schedule the submission to recur every x minutes or hours, the schedule will start over on the next scheduled day.

For example, your deployment is set to submit on Tuesday and Wednesday, starting at 3:00 am and recurring every five hours. A scheduled script instance is submitted on Tuesday at 3:00 am, 8:00 am, 1:00 pm, 6:00 pm, and 11:00 pm. On Wednesday, the schedule starts over and the next submission is at 3:00 am.

Monthly Event

The scheduled script instance is submitted at least one time per scheduled month.

Yearly Event

The scheduled script instance is submitted at least one time per year.

Start Date

The first submission occurs on this date. This field is required if a one time or recurring schedule is set.

Start Time

If a value is selected, the first submission occurs at the specified time.


If a value is selected, the first submission occurs on the date and time selected. A new script instance is then created and submitted every x minutes or hours until the end of the start date. If applicable, the schedule starts over on the next scheduled day.

For example, your deployment is set to submit on Tuesday and Wednesday, starting at 3:00 am and recurring every five hours. A scheduled script instance is submitted on Tuesday at 3:00 am, 8:00 am, 1:00 pm, 6:00 pm, and 11:00 pm. On Wednesday, the schedule starts over and the next submission is at 3:00 am.

End By

If a value is entered, the last submission occurs on this date. If you schedule the submission to recur every x minutes or hours, a new script instance is created and submitted every x minutes or hours until the end of the end date .

No End Date

The schedule does not have a set end date.

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