Canceling Time-Off Requests

After you submit a time-off request, you can cancel pending and approved time-off requests for a future date. Time-off calendar events will be deleted when you cancel an approved time-off request.


Approved time-off requests that are associated with a locked timesheet cannot be canceled. If your time-off balances need to be corrected because you did not take scheduled time off, contact your administrator.

To cancel a time-off request:

  1. From the home page of your Employee Center, in the Time-Off portlet, click Requests.

  2. Select the time-off request that you want to cancel.

  3. Click Cancel Request.

Related Topics

Submitting Time-Off Requests
Submitting Time-Off Requests on Behalf of Employees as a Manager
Viewing Time-Off Requests
Viewing Time-Off Balances
Approving or Rejecting Time-Off Requests
Time-Off Management for Employees or Managers

General Notices