Employee Center Dashboard Publishing Feature

The Employee Center Dashboard Publishing feature includes the following:

For information on enabling features, see Enabling Features.


The Employee Center Dashboard Publishing feature is only available for accounts with SuitePeople HR provisioned. For more information, see SuitePeople Overview.


After you enable the Employee Center Dashboard Publishing feature, any Employee Center dashboards that individual employees previously customized are replaced with a default dashboard. This dashboard can be edited only by users with the Employee Center Publishing global permission. If you disable the Employee Center Dashboard Publishing feature, previous versions of the Employee Center dashboard are restored.

The Employee Center Publishing Permission

When you enable the Employee Center Dashboard Publishing feature, the Global Permissions feature is also enabled. This is true unless it is already enabled. For more information, see Using the Global Permissions Feature. To use the publishing tool, you must assign the Employee Center Publishing global permission to a user. This user can then publish the Employee Center dashboard from the Employee Center role. Other users cannot customize their own dashboards, and a lock icon (Screenshot of a lock icon that appears beside the word "Home" on the left side of the home page which shows that the Employee Center dashboard cannot be customized.) appears on the dashboard. For more information about publishing the Employee Center dashboard, in the Employee Center help, see the section “Customizing the Employee Center for Your Organization”.

To assign the Employee Center Publishing permission to a user:

  1. Go to Lists > Employees > Employees.

  2. Beside the employee who is responsible for publishing the Employee Center dashboard, click Edit.

  3. Click the Access subtab.

  4. On the Roles subtab, verify that the employee is assigned the Employee Center role.

    Screenshot of the Roles subtab that appears when verifying that an employee is assigned the Employee Center role.
  5. On the Global Permissions subtab, from the Permission list, select Employee Center Publishing, and then click Add.

    Screenshot of the Global Permissions subtab that appears when giving an employee the Employee Center Publishing permission.
  6. Click Save.

    When this employee uses the Employee Center role, the Edit Dashboard button appears on the Employee Center home page.


Only use the Global Permissions feature to assign permissions to employees.

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