About the Employee Center Role

When you add the Employee Center role on an employee's record, you grant the employee access to the Employee Center. From the Employee Center, employees can do the following:

With SuitePeople HR, your employees can complete additional tasks in the Employee Center:

For more information about SuitePeople, see SuitePeople Overview.

The Employee Center dashboard can be customized by employees to show the information that they most need. Click Personalize in the upper right of the dashboard, or in the Settings portlet, click Personalize Dashboard. For more information about personalizing your dashboard, see Dashboard Personalization.


The dashboard cannot be customized if the lock icon (Screenshot of a lock icon that appears beside the word "Home" on the left side of the home page which shows that the Employee Center dashboard cannot be customized.) appears beside the word Home on the left side of the home page.

Screenshot of the home page showing the "Personalize" button at the top right of the Home page and the "Personalize Dashboard" link in the Settings portlet.

Understanding Restrictions for Employee Center Data

The standard Employee Center role can filter purchase orders, expense reports, and time reports that employees with this role are permitted to view. Employees logging in with this role can see purchase orders, expense reports, and time reports that they own. If they supervise other employees and are listed as an approver, note the following. They can also see purchase orders, expense reports, and time reports that their employees own.

In OneWorld accounts, subsidiary restrictions are not enforced to filter time and expense report records that users with this role can see. Subsidiary restrictions are enforced to filter the records that users with this role can see, except for times reports, purchase orders, and expense reports. Subsidiary restrictions for the role are checked first, then subsidiary restrictions for the individual users.

Customized Employee Center roles built from the standard Employee Center role filter viewable records in this same manner by default.

Purchase Approvals and Currencies

If you use the Multiple Currencies feature, note the following. When you view purchase requests and purchase orders that require approval, how currency fields are displayed depends on whether you customize the view.

Non-customized View

  • Amount – shows amount in base currency

  • Base Currency – shows currency in base amount

Customized View

  • Amount (Foreign Currency) – shows amount in foreign currency

  • Currency – shows foreign currency

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