Create the Website Customer Center Role

You should create a specific Customer Center role for your website. The Customer Center role determines the information shown in the My Account section of your website, and the login access permissions given to customers. All new customers are automatically assigned this role when they register.


In the following scenario, the standard Customer Center role is used; however, you should customize this role to suit your web store requirements.

To customize the Customer Center role:

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.

  2. Click Customize next to the Customer Center role.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for your custom Customer Center role.

    For example, Website Customer Center.

  4. In the Subsidiaries field, select the subsidiary your website is associated with.

  5. Click the Permissions subtab.

    1. On the Transactions, Lists, and Setup subtabs, click the name of the task for which you want to change access.

    2. In the Level column, adjust the permission level for the task.

      For example, to prevent customers from generating statements from their My Account page, change the value from Create to None.

    3. Click OK.

  6. Click the Forms subtab. On Transaction and CRM, check the box in the Preferred column next to the form.

  7. Click Save to create the custom role.

The table below gives some of the permissions available for the standard Customer Center and their impact on your website’s My Account section. The default permission level for the standard Customer Center is given. For a full list of the standard role permissions defined for the Customer Center, read Standard Roles Permissions Table.

Users with NetSuite specialized center roles can see only files on records they have access to, and files with the Company-Wide Usage, or the Available Without Login preferences enabled. For more information, see NetSuite Specialized Centers and Permissions and File Cabinet Files.

Transaction subtab


Standard Customer Center permission

Action in My Account



Customers can view quotes created by their sales representative in My Account.

Generate Statements


Customers can print a statement that lists all transactions, including invoices, credit memos and payments, for a given date range.



Customers can view their invoice history.


Invoices that are pending approval are not displayed in the My Account area of your Commerce website when the Approval Routing feature is enabled.

Return Authorization


Customers can request item return directly from My Account.

Sales Order


Customers can view their purchase history in My Account.

Lists subtab


Standard Customer Center Permission

Action in My Account



If you have set up Issue Management, customers can view issues and their status.



If you have set up Support Management, customers can view cases and their current status.

For more detailed information about configuring the Customer Center role to suit your requirements, see Customizing the Customer Center Role.

To set the default customer role for your website:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > General Preferences.

  2. In the Default Role for New Customers field, select the newly customized Website Customer Center role.

  3. Click Save.

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