Sample Custom Form Script

The following screenshot displays a form created by a Suitelet. You can use the sample code provided below to create this form.

The Customer Information page with the Payment Information sublist and tab shown.

Steps for Creating a Custom Form with SuiteScript 2.x

Before proceeding, you must create a script file. To create this file, do one of the following:

To create a custom form, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a Suitelet and add the required JSDoc tags.

     *@NApiVersion 2.x
     *@NScriptType Suitelet
  2. Add the define function to load the N/ui/serverWidget Module module.

     *@NApiVersion 2.x
     *@NScriptType Suitelet
        function(serverWidget) {
  3. To enable a Submit button, create an onRequest function. In the onRequest function create an if statement for the context request method and set it to ‘GET’. After the if statement, create a return statement to support the GET request method.


    This sample is divided into four sections, as noted in the code comments. Each section identifies where to include different parts of the sample code. Section two of the sample code is referenced in Steps for Adding a Tab to a Form. Section three of the sample code is referenced in Steps for Adding a Sublist to a Form sections.

     *@NApiVersion 2.x
     *@NScriptType Suitelet
        function(serverWidget) {
            function onRequest(context){
                if(context.request.method === 'GET'){
                    // Section One - Forms - See "Steps for Creating a Form"  
                    // Section Two - Tabs - See "Steps for Adding a Tab to a Form"  
                    // Section Three - Sublist - See "Steps for Adding a Sublist to a Form"
                    // Section Four - Output - Used in all sections
        return {
  4. In section one, call the createForm method using serverWidget.createForm(options).

                  var form = serverWidget.createForm({
        title: 'Enter Customer Information'
  5. In section one, create Field Groups to organize the fields using Form.addFieldGroup(options). Use the properties defined in serverWidget.FieldGroup to control the appearance and behavior of the field groups.

                  var usergroup = form.addFieldGroup({
        id : 'usergroup',
        label : 'User Information'
    usergroup.isSingleColumn = true;
    var companygroup = form.addFieldGroup({
        id : 'companygroup',
        label : 'Company Information'
  6. In section one, use Form.addSubmitButton(options) to add the Submit button to a form. Change the text displayed on the button by modifying the label property.

        label: 'Submit'
  7. In section one, use Form.addField(options) to create the fields you need. Make sure you define the id, type, and label properties correctly. Use the container property to specify the field group.

    Use the properties defined in serverWidget.Field to change the behavior and properties of the fields. This sample uses Field.isMandatory to define several required fields, and Field.defaultValue to set the default value of the Company name field.

    Some fields, such as the email and phone fields, provide basic error checking to make sure the field contents meet the requirements for the field. For more information, see serverWidget.FieldType.


    If you are modifying an existing form or adding custom fields, make sure you add the custpage_ prefix to the identifier to prevent conflicts with existing standard fields.

                  var select = form.addField({
        id: 'titlefield',
        type: serverWidget.FieldType.SELECT,
        label: 'Title',
        container: 'usergroup'
        value: 'Mr.',
        text: 'Mr.'
        value: 'MS.',
        text: 'Ms.'
        value: 'Dr.',
        text: 'Dr.'
    var fname = form.addField({
        id: 'fnamefield',
        type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
        label: 'First Name',
        container: 'usergroup'
    fname.isMandatory = true;
    var lname = form.addField({
        id: 'lnamefield',
        type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
        label: 'Last Name',
        container: 'usergroup'
    lname=.isMandatory = true;
        id: 'emailfield',
        type: serverWidget.FieldType.EMAIL,
        label: 'Email',
        container: 'usergroup'
    var companyname = form.addField({
        id: 'companyfield',
        type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
        label: 'Company',
        container: 'companygroup'
    companyname.defaultValue = 'Company Name';
        id: 'phonefield',
        type: serverWidget.FieldType.PHONE,
        label: 'Phone Number',
        container: 'companygroup'
        id: 'urlfield',
        type: serverWidget.FieldType.URL,
        label: 'Website',
        container: 'companygroup'
  8. In section four, define a variable for each field in this sample.

                  var delimiter = /\u0001/;
    var titleField = context.request.parameters.titlefield;
    var fnameField = context.request.parameters.fnamefield;
    var lnameField = context.request.parameters.lnamefield;
    var emailField = context.request.parameters.emailfield
    var companyField = context.request.parameters.companyfield;
    var phoneField = context.request.parameters.phonefield;
    var urlField = context.request.parameters.urlfield; 
  9. In section four, create an output statement using context.response.write. This statement demonstrates the Submit button by generating an output displaying the variables created from the field data.

                  context.response.write('You have entered:'
        + '<br/>  Name: '+ titleField + ' ' + fnameField + ' ' + lnameField
        + '<br/>  Email: ' + emailField 
        + '<br/>  Company: ' + companyField 
        + '<br/>  Phone: ' + phoneField + ' Website: ' + urlField); 

Steps for Adding a Tab to a Form

This sample uses the code created in Sample Custom Form Script to show how to add tab and subtab UI components to a form.

When you add a tab to a form, consider the following limitations:

  • You cannot add a single tab. If you create a single tab, the contents of the tab appear on the form without the tab bar.

  • A tab does not appear until you have assigned an object to the form. After you have added a field, you can set the container property to indicate where the field appears on the tab.

  1. In section two, use Form.addTab(options) to add two tabs to the form. You can use Tab.helpText to add inline help text to guide users.


    A value for must be all lowercase and contain no spaces. If you are adding a tab to an existing page, include the prefix custpage to prevent conflicts with existing standard tabs.

                    // Section Two - Tabs
    var tab1 = form.addTab({
        id : 'tab1id',
        label : 'Payment'
    tab1.helpText = 'Help Text Goes Here';
    var tab2 = form.addTab({
        id : 'tab2id',
        label : 'Inventory'
  2. In section two, use Form.addSubtab(options) to add two subtabs. Set the tab property to tab1id to position the subtab on the first tab you created.

        id : 'subtab1id',
        label : 'Payment Information',
        tab: 'tab1id'
        id : 'subtab2id',
        label : 'Transaction Record',
        tab: 'tab1id'
  3. In section two, add more fields to the form. To assign a field to a tab, use the container property to indicate the tab where you want to place the field.

    The following sample adds a Credential field to the form. Credential fields are text fields used to store credentials in NetSuite. Notice that when you click the Submit button in this sample, the credit card number is encrypted and is not displayed as clear text. For information about using Credential fields, see Form.addCredentialField(options).

    //Subtab One Fields             
    var ccselect = form.addField({
        id: 'cctypefield',
        type: serverWidget.FieldType.SELECT,
        label: 'Credit Card',
        container: 'subtab1id'
        value: 'PayCard0',
        text: 'Payment Card 0'
        value: 'PayCard1',
        text: 'Payment Card 1'
        value: 'PayCard2',
        text: 'Payment Card 2'
    var expmonth = form.addField({
        id: 'expmonth',
        type: serverWidget.FieldType.SELECT,
        label: 'Expiry Month',
        container: 'subtab1id'
    layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.STARTROW});
        value: '01',
        text: 'Jan'
        value: '02',
        text: 'Feb'
        value: '03',
        text: 'Mar'
        value: '04',
        text: 'Apr'
        value: '05',
        text: 'May'
        value: '06',
        text: 'Jun'
        value: '07',
        text: 'Jul'
        value: '08',
        text: 'Aug'
        value: '09',
        text: 'Sep'
        value: '10',
        text: 'Oct'
        value: '11',
        text: 'Nov'
        value: '12',
        text: 'Dec'
    var expyear = form.addField({
        id: 'expyear',
        type: serverWidget.FieldType.SELECT,
        label: 'Expiry Year',
        container: 'subtab1id'
        layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.ENDROW});  
        value: '2020',
        text: '2020'
        value: '2019',
        text: '2019'
        value: '2018',
        text: '2018'
    var credfield = form.addCredentialField({
        id : 'credfield',
        label : ' Credit Card Number',
        restrictToDomains : '',
        restrictToScriptIds : 'customscript_my_script',
        restrictToCurrentUser : false,
        container : 'subtab1id'
    credfield.maxLength = 32;
    // Subtab Two fields
        id: 'transactionfield',
        type: serverWidget.FieldType.LABEL,
        label: 'Transaction History - Coming Soon',
        container: 'subtab2id'
    //Tab Two fields
        id: 'inventoryfield',
        type: serverWidget.FieldType.LABEL,
        label: 'Inventory - Coming Soon',
        container: 'tab2id'
  4. In section four, define a variable for each field you have added to the tabs. In this sample, these variables are used to demonstrate the function of the Submit button.

                    var ccField = context.request.parameters.cctypefield;
    var ccNumber = context.request.parameters.credfield;
    var expMonth = context.request.parameters.expmonth;
    var expYear = context.request.parameters.expyear; 
  5. In section four, update the output statement to display the variables created when the Submit button is clicked.

                    context.response.write('You have entered:'
        + '<br/>  Name: '+ titleField + ' ' + fnameField + ' ' + lnameField
        + '<br/>  Email: ' + emailField 
        + '<br/>  Company: ' + companyField 
        + '<br/>  Phone: ' + phoneField + ' Website: ' + urlField 
        + '<br/>  Credit Card: ' + ccField 
        + '<br/>  Number: '+ ccNumber
        + '<br/>  Expiry Date: ' + expMonth + '/' + expYear); 

Steps for Adding a Sublist to a Form

This sample uses the code created in Steps for Adding a Tab to a Form to show how to add a sublist to a form.

  1. In section three, use Form.addSublist(options) to add a sublist to the form. Set the tab property to tab2id to position the sublist on the second tab. This sublist is an inline editor type sublist. For information about sublist types, see serverWidget.SublistType.

                    var sublist = form.addSublist({
        id : 'sublistid',
        type : serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
        label : 'Inventory',
        tab: 'tab2id'
  2. In section three, use Sublist.addButton(options) to add a button to the sublist. In this sample the button is not functional, but you can use the functionName property to specify the function triggered when the button is clicked.

        id : 'buttonId',
        label : 'Print ',
        functionName: '' // Add the function triggered on button click
  3. In section three, use Sublist.addField(options) to add fields to the sublist. For more information about supported field types, see serverWidget.FieldType.


    Sublist.addField(options) does not support the inline HTML field type.

        id : 'datefieldid',
        type : serverWidget.FieldType.DATE,
        label : 'Date'
        id : 'productfieldid',
        type : serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
        label : 'Product'
        id : 'qtyfieldid',
        type : serverWidget.FieldType.INTEGER,
        label : 'Quantity'
        id : 'upfieldid',
        type : serverWidget.FieldType.CURRENCY,
        label : 'Unit Cost'

Complete Custom Form Script Sample


This script sample uses the define function, which is required for an entry point script (a script you attach to a script record and deploy). You must use the require function if you want to copy the script into the SuiteScript Debugger and test it. For more information, see SuiteScript 2.x Global Objects.

The following code creates a Suitelet that generates a custom form containing several field types, tabs, a sublist, and a submit button. For steps to create this script, see Sample Custom Form Script.

 * @NApiVersion 2.x
 * @NScriptType Suitelet
define(['N/ui/serverWidget'], function(serverWidget) {
    function onRequest(context) {
        if (context.request.method === 'GET') {

            // Section One - Forms - See 'Steps for Creating a Custom Form' in topic 'Sample Custom Form Script'
            var form = serverWidget.createForm({
                title: 'Customer Information'

            var usergroup = form.addFieldGroup({
                id: 'usergroup',
                label: 'User Information'
            usergroup.isSingleColumn = true;

            var companygroup = form.addFieldGroup({
                id: 'companygroup',
                label: 'Company Information'

            var select = form.addField({
                id: 'titlefield',
                type: serverWidget.FieldType.SELECT,
                label: 'Title',
                container: 'usergroup'
                value: 'Mr.',
                text: 'Mr.'
                value: 'MS.',
                text: 'Ms.'
                value: 'Dr.',
                text: 'Dr.'

            var fname = form.addField({
                id: 'fnamefield',
                type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
                label: 'First Name',
                container: 'usergroup'
            fname.isMandatory = true;

            var lname = form.addField({
                id: 'lnamefield',
                type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
                label: 'Last Name',
                container: 'usergroup'
            lname.isMandatory = true;

                id: 'emailfield',
                type: serverWidget.FieldType.EMAIL,
                label: 'Email',
                container: 'usergroup'

            var companyname = form.addField({
                id: 'companyfield',
                type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
                label: 'Company',
                container: 'companygroup'
            companyname.defaultValue = 'Company Name';

                id: 'phonefield',
                type: serverWidget.FieldType.PHONE,
                label: 'Phone Number',
                container: 'companygroup'

                id: 'urlfield',
                type: serverWidget.FieldType.URL,
                label: 'Website',

                label: 'Submit'

            // Section Two - Tabs - See 'Steps for Adding a Tab to a Form' in topic 'Sample Custom Form Script'
            var tab1 = form.addTab({
                id: 'tab1id',
                label: 'Payment'
            tab1.helpText = 'Help Text Goes Here';

            var tab2 = form.addTab({
                id: 'tab2id',
                label: 'Inventory'

                id: 'subtab1id',
                label: 'Payment Information',
                tab: 'tab1id'

                id: 'subtab2id',
                label: 'Transaction Record',
                tab: 'tab1id'

            // Subtab One Fields
            var ccselect = form.addField({
                id: 'cctypefield',
                type: serverWidget.FieldType.SELECT,
                label: 'Credit Card',
                container: 'subtab1id'
                value: 'PayCard0',
                text: 'Payment Card 0'
                value: 'PayCard1',
                text: 'Payment Card 1'
                value: 'PayCard2',
                text: 'Payment Card 2'

            var expmonth = form.addField({
                id: 'expmonth',
                type: serverWidget.FieldType.SELECT,
                label: 'Expiry Date:',
                container: 'subtab1id'
                layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.STARTROW
                value: '01',
                text: 'Jan'
                value: '02',
                text: 'Feb'
                value: '03',
                text: 'Mar'
                value: '04',
                text: 'Apr'
                value: '05',
                text: 'May'
                value: '06',
                text: 'Jun'
                value: '07',
                text: 'Jul'
                value: '08',
                text: 'Aug'
                value: '09',
                text: 'Sep'
                value: '10',
                text: 'Oct'
                value: '11',
                text: 'Nov'
                value: '12',
                text: 'Dec'

            var expyear = form.addField({
                id: 'expyear',
                type: serverWidget.FieldType.SELECT,
                label: 'Expiry Year',
                container: 'subtab1id'
                layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.ENDROW
                value: '2020',
                text: '2020'
                value: '2019',
                text: '2019'
                value: '2018',
                text: '2018'

            var credfield = form.addCredentialField({
                id: 'credfield',
                label: ' Credit Card Number',
                restrictToDomains: '',
                restrictToScriptIds: 'customscript_my_script',
                restrictToCurrentUser: false,
                container: 'subtab1id'
            credfield.maxLength = 32;

            // Subtab two Fields
                id: 'transactionfield',
                type: serverWidget.FieldType.LABEL,
                label: 'Transaction History - Coming Soon',
                container: 'subtab2id'

            // Tab Two Fields
                id: 'inventoryfield',
                type: serverWidget.FieldType.LABEL,
                label: 'Inventory - Coming Soon',
                container: 'tab2id'

            // Section Three - Sublist - See 'Steps for Adding a Sublist to a Form' in topic 'Sample Custom Form Script'
            var sublist = form.addSublist({
                id: 'sublistid',
                type: serverWidget.SublistType.INLINEEDITOR,
                label: 'Inline Sublist',
                tab: 'tab2id'
                id: 'buttonId',
                label: 'Print ',
                functionName: '' // Add the function triggered on button click

            // Sublist Fields
                id: 'datefieldid',
                type: serverWidget.FieldType.DATE,
                label: 'Date'

                id: 'productfieldid',
                type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
                label: 'Product'

                id: 'qtyfieldid',
                type: serverWidget.FieldType.INTEGER,
                label: 'Quantity'

                id: 'upfieldid',
                type: serverWidget.FieldType.CURRENCY,
                label: 'Unit Cost'

        } else {
            // Section Four - Output - Used in all sections
            var delimiter = /\u0001/;
            var titleField = context.request.parameters.titlefield;
            var fnameField = context.request.parameters.fnamefield;
            var lnameField = context.request.parameters.lnamefield;
            var emailField = context.request.parameters.emailfield;
            var companyField = context.request.parameters.companyfield;
            var phoneField = context.request.parameters.phonefield;
            var urlField = context.request.parameters.urlfield;
            var ccField = context.request.parameters.cctypefield;
            var ccNumber = context.request.parameters.credfield;
            var expMonth = context.request.parameters.expmonth;
            var expYear = context.request.parameters.expyear;

            context.response.write('You have entered:'
                + '<br/>  Name: '+ titleField + ' ' + fnameField + ' ' + lnameField
                + '<br/>  Email: ' + emailField
                + '<br/>  Company: ' + companyField
                + '<br/>  Phone: ' + phoneField + ' Website: ' + urlField
                + '<br/>  Credit Card: ' + ccField
                + '<br/>  Number: '+ ccNumber
                + '<br/>  Expiry Date: ' + expMonth + '/' + expYear);
    return {
        onRequest: onRequest


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