Inventory Status on Item Records

When you enable the Inventory Status feature, the Inventory Statuses subtab appears on the Inventory Detail subtab of item records.

The Inventory Detail subtab displays different search views and results, depending on the following item record types:

Item Record Type

Search View

Search Results

Lot numbered or serialized item that uses bins

Inventory Detail On Hand

  • bin number

  • serial or lot number

  • status

  • location

  • on-hand quantity

  • available quantity

Lot numbered or serialized item that does not use bins

Inventory Number/Status On Hand

  • serial or lot number

  • status

  • location

  • on-hand quantity

  • available quantity

Inventory item that uses bins

Bin/Status On Hand

  • bin number

  • status

  • location

  • on-hand quantity

  • available quantity

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