Auto-Apply Promotions Limits

The number of active promotions that can have the This promotion can be automatically applied box checked is limited to 30 for a specific date range per location. This limitation is enforced when you create or edit a promotion record. You cannot save a promotion if it exceeds this limit.

To save new promotions without exceeding the limit, you must do one of the following:

For more information about promotions that do not specify date ranges or locations, see Promotions With Unspecified Schedules or Locations. See also, Planning Automatically Applied Promotions.


You can create an unlimited number of active promotions that do not have the This promotion can be automatically applied box checked, and you can apply these promotions manually.

Promotions With Unspecified Schedules or Locations

Promotions with blank date ranges and blank locations are considered as “any date and any location”. These promotions are counted as one of the 30 active promotions available for automatic application. You cannot create more than 30 active “any date and any location” promotions.

Coupon Codes and Auto-Apply

Promotions that have the This promotion can be automatically applied box checked are limited to Multiple Use coupon codes. Single-use coupon codes cannot be automatically applied.

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