Viewing Submitted Transactions

On the Reconcile Account Statement page, you can view the following transactions:

If you undo a match or undo the pending cleared status of a transaction, NetSuite moves the transaction back to the To Be Matched subtab on the Match Bank Data page. The corresponding imported bank line appears in the To Be Matched subtab again.


NetSuite removes the cleared or matched status from a transaction (and any other transactions from its match group) if you do any of the following:

  • Edit the transaction amount.

  • Void the transaction without a reversing journal entry. If you void the transaction with a reversing journal entry, the transaction remains matched or user-cleared.

  • Delete the transaction.

To view transactions that have not been submitted yet, see Viewing Transactions To Be Submitted.

To view submitted transactions:

  1. Go to Transactions > Bank > Reconcile Account Statement.

  2. From the Account list, select the bank or credit card account.


    As of NetSuite 2021.1, all newly-created accounts automatically appear in the Account list. If your account does not appear, see Editing Accounts to Use the Match Bank Data and Reconcile Account Statement Pages.

    In the Statement End Date and Ending Statement Balance fields, NetSuite displays the end date and closing balance from the most recent account statement containing a statement date.


    If no account statements contain a statement date, the Statement End Date field is populated with the current date. The Ending Statement Balance field is populated with the closing balance from the last reconciliation statement.

  3. Click the Review subtab.

    NetSuite displays the list of submitted transactions that were matched or marked as cleared.

  4. To filter the transactions list by date, enter or select the dates in the From and To fields above the pane.

  5. To search for transactions, in the Search field, start typing the text or number value on which to search. As you type, NetSuite narrows the search results in the list.

    When entering a date, use a date format consistent with the displayed format in the page (as set in the User Preferences). For example, if you use a long date format (May 1, 2018), enter May to search for a date in May. When entering a year, use four digits (for example, 2018). If you use a short date format, always use two digits for the month or day (for example, 05/01/2018).

  6. To view all the transactions in a submitted match, click Matched (previously called View) in the View Details column.

    The Matched Transaction popup window displays the bank lines and account transactions in the match group. Details include date, type, transaction number, name, and amount.

    If the number of items visible exceeds the page limit of a grid, click the arrows to see the next or previous page of results. The Number of Rows In List Segments preference determines how many rows the grid can display per page. Each page of the grid can display a maximum of 1000 rows at a time. This limit applies to all grids in the To Be Matched and Review subtabs.

    If you want to undo the match, you can click Undo Match. NetSuite moves the transactions back to the To Be Matched subtab on the Match Bank Data page. To access the Match Bank Data page, you can click the Match Bank Data link in the top-right corner.

  7. To view a submitted transaction that was marked as cleared instead of matched, click Cleared in the View Details column.

    The Cleared Transaction popup window appears. Details include the transaction date, type, transaction number, name, and amount.

    If you want to undo the cleared status of the transaction, you can click Undo Clear. NetSuite moves the transaction back to the To Be Matched subtab on the Match Bank Data page.

  8. To close the Matched Transaction or Cleared Transaction popup window, click Cancel, or close the window.

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