Mass Create and Update Multi-Subsidiary Customers

NetSuite enables users with the Import CSV File permission to import the Customer-Subsidiary Relationship record type. The customer-subsidiary relationship record is not visible in the user interface, however, the fields are available when you map your CSV file. The Customer-Subsidiary Relationship import enables you to add multiple subsidiaries to customer records, and update those records, as needed.

To use the Import Assistant to create and update multi-subsidiary customers, go to Setup > Import/Export > Import Tasks > Import CSV Records. Choose the Relationships import type, and then the Customer-Subsidiary Relationship record type. After you upload your file and choose import options, you can begin file and then field mapping, and finally import your file.


Upload a simple CSV file, and then refine that file when you map fields.

For information about using the Import Assistant, see Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant. For information about the Customer-Subsidiary Relationship import record type, see Customer-Subsidiary Relationship.

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