Customer Balances for Assigned Subsidiaries

You can view the basic customer balances for each subsidiary assigned to that customer. Balance and Unbilled Orders fields are located on the Subsidiaries subtab on the customer record. Subsidiary transactions are recalculated from the subsidiary’s transaction currency into the customer’s primary currency. Recalculation is performed using the Direct method, which retrieves daily foreign exchange rates directly from the rate provider. The currency label of the customer’s primary currency appears near the Balance and Unbilled Orders fields.

For example, you have a customer where the primary subsidiary is in Canada. Two secondary subsidiaries, one in the U.S. and one in Germany are assigned to this customer. The respective subsidiary currencies are CAN as the primary currency, and USD and euro as secondary subsidiary currencies. There is an invoice for the U.S. subsidiary for 1000 euro. Based on the daily foreign exchange rate, it posts as 1200 USD in the U.S. subsidiary. The value in the Balance field on the customer record is 1500 CAN (1000 euro translated into CAN through a 1.5 Direct rate).

The customer balance information on the Financials subtab appears in the customer’s primary currency. For information about the Financials subtab, see Entering Financial Information on the Customer Record.

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