Configuring the Default Anonymous Customer

A benefit of NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) is that it can log each customer's transaction history. This history provides for sales associates to suggest additional items during a sale. It is also used when a customer has inquiries about past purchases. For marketing staff, the history is a source for targeted campaigns and promotions. However, customers might decline to provide their name and other personal information when making a transaction.

If customers decline, the transactions are assigned to a default customer in NetSuite. This default is also called the anonymous customer.

One anonymous customer is automatically created for logging anonymous transactions across all locations. However, you can set up unique anonymous customers assigned to be the defaults at specific locations.

Setting Up a Default Customer for a Location

NSPOS uses the RA-Default Customer listed on each Location record in NetSuite ERP to assign anonymous transactions by store.

For Location records without a default customer, an automated job run periodically completes the transaction assignments. If you want to control how you track and analyze anonymous transactions, you should set the default on each store’s Location record.


For retailers new to NetSuite POS, each Location record must have a default customer assignment as part of the implementation process. For retailers upgrading from a previous release, the automated job assigns anonymous transactions for Locations without an assignment.

To set the default customer for a Location:

  1. Log in to NetSuite as an administrator.

  2. Go to Setup > Company > Locations.

  3. Click Edit for the desired Location.

  4. Select the RA-Default Customer.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Repeat for other specific, unassigned Location records as desired.

Do not change the Default Customer Sequence Number

Each default customer has its own sequence number. It is important that you do not change this number. If the sequence number is not in the correct format and order, you will experience job scheduler errors that can impact your processing.


Do not change the default customer sequence number.

Flag to Require Customer Information

You can determine if whether the cashier must select a customer when performing NSPOS transactions. Besides linking customers to the items they purchase, this requirement prevents automatic assignment to the default anonymous customer. See Flag List for the option to RequireCustomer. The flag is applied at the global level.

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