Revenue Arrangement Record Actions

The Revenue Arrangement record currently supports the allocate action.

For help working with this record in the UI, see Revenue Arrangement.

For information about SuiteScript 2.x record actions, see the following help topics:


Corresponding UI Button


Action Description

Redistributes a transaction amount across revenue elements in a specified revenue arrangement, based on fair value, to obtain the revenue amount. This process is required for revenue arrangements that are not compliant, meaning the amount has not been allocated.

Allocation is usually automatic. However, a revenue arrangement may not be compliant because allocation has failed, or the record has been edited to set the Compliant value to false.

For more information, see Revenue Reallocation for Revenue Arrangements and Fair Value and Allocation.


{notifications:[], response:{}}

Supported Script Types

Client and server scripts

For additional information, see SuiteScript 2.x Script Types.


10 usage units




See action.execute(options) for details about parameters required for the execution of any action. The allocate action does not support any additional parameters.

Revenue Arrangement Allocate Action Syntax

            require(['N/action'], function(action) {

    // action & action list loading

    var actionList = action.find({recordType: 'revenuearrangement'});

    var actionObj = action.get({recordType: 'revenuearrangement', id: 'allocate'});


    // action execution

    var result = actionObj.execute({recordId: 2});

    var result = actionObj({recordId: 2});

    var result = action.execute({recordType: 'revenuearrangement', id: 'allocate', params: {recordId: 2}});



Related Topics

General Notices