Adjustment Periods and Period End Journals

The Create Period End Journals task appears in adjustment periods, as well as base periods. The order in which you run the Create Period End Journals task for adjustment periods and base periods is important. For information about the order, see Task Order for Adjustment Periods and Base Periods.

You must run the Consolidation steps each period, when consolidation is enabled, even if the period has no activity. The step is required because adjustment periods have consolidated exchange rates, and changes in consolidated account balances for current rate type accounts need to be recorded.

The Income Statement Closing step (and the Balance Sheet Closing step if included) must be run in the last period of the fiscal year for a subsidiary. The last period of the fiscal year is determined according to the rules of the task order.

Task Order for Adjustment Periods and Base Periods

The basic rules for adjustment periods and period end journals are the same whether the adjustment period overlaps a base period or not.

  • If an adjustment period ends on or after the last day of a base period, you must run the period end journal creation task for the adjustment period after you run the process for the base period.

  • If an adjustment period ends before the last day of a base period, you must run the period end journal creation task for the adjustment period before you run the process for the base period.

For general information about adjustment periods, see Adjustment Periods.

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