Item Location Configuration Import

When using the Advanced Item Location Configuration feature, item location attributes can be set or updated using the CSV import process.

For example, item location attributes may need to be added when a new location is added. Or, if an item has a new vendor lead time, that update may need to be made across locations. You can make these changes by mass updates using CSV import.

To import CSV records for Item Location Configuration, use the CSV import assistant. For details about CSV Imports, read CSV Imports Overview.

To import CSV records for Item Location Configuration:

  1. Save a CSV formatted file with the updates.

  2. Go to Setup > Import/ Export > Import CSV Records.

  3. Select Supply Chain as the Import Type.

  4. Select Item Location Configuration as the Record Type.

  5. In the CSV File(s) section, select to upload One File or Multiple Files.

  6. Select the .csv file you want to upload.

  7. Click Next.

  8. In the Import Options page, select Add and then click Next.

  9. Click Submit.

You can still manually update individual items and location attributes, if needed.

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