Belgium Intrastat Report Fields


This topic is for NetSuite accounts that use the EU Intrastat Report page to generate the Intrastat report. If you are using the Country Tax Report page, see Belgium Intrastat.

The Intrastat Report gets the following information from the Tax Reporting subtab and Items sublist of transaction forms and item records:

You must fill out these fields on the Tax Reporting subtab and in the Items sublist to generate fulfilled Intrastat Dispatches and Arrivals reports.

Belgium Intrastat Report Fields on Transaction Forms

If your NetSuite account nexus is a member of the European Union (EU), expect the following system behavior upon installation of the International Tax Reports SuiteApp:

The Tax Reporting subtab on transaction forms on the Belgium Intrastat Report contains the following fields:

For more information about other EU Intrastat Report Fields on Transaction Forms, see Intrastat Reporting Fields on Transaction Forms.

Belgium Intrastat Report Fields on Item Records

If the International Tax Reports SuiteApp is installed in your account, the following fields are displayed on some item record types:

For more information about other EU Intrastat Report Fields on Item Records, see Intrastat Reporting Fields on Item Records.

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