Intrastat Reporting Fields


To use the Intrastat Reporting feature, the International Tax Reports SuiteApp must be installed in your NetSuite account. For more information, see International Tax Reports.

Intrastat Reporting Fields on Transaction Forms

Upon installation of the International Tax Reports SuiteApp, if your NetSuite account nexus is a member of the European Union (EU), expect the following system behavior:

The Tax Reporting subtab on transaction forms contains the following fields:

Field Name


Field Description

Nature of Transaction Code

All EU Countries

This field describes the type of the transaction in the Intrastat declaration.

The International Tax Reports SuiteApp already includes nature of transaction codes for some countries. For others, you must set them up first before you can select them on transactions. The codes will be picked up by NetSuite in the Intrastat report.

This field is mandatory in Intrastat reporting.

For information about setting up and selecting nature of transaction codes, see Nature of Transaction Code.

Delivery Terms

All EU Countries except Sweden, Luxembourg, Hungary, Bulgaria and Greece

This field indicates the applicable delivery terms (for example, FOB). This field is not required if the delivery terms do not exceed the threshold. For more information, see Delivery Terms.

Mode of Transport

All EU countries except UK

This field indicates the active vehicle that moves goods for every arrival or dispatch transaction. For more information, see Mode of Transport.

Region of Origin





Region of an EU member state of dispatch where the goods were produced or manufactured, assembled, processed, repaired or maintained, or where the commercial process took place. This field includes a dropdown list of available regions for the selected customer country. This field is not required.

Statistical Procedure


Statistical procedure distinguishes different types of arrivals/dispatches for statistical purposes.

Statistical Value

All EU countries except UK, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Denmark, and Italy

This field is displayed in the Items sublist of transaction forms. It is not automatically populated by the system. You must manually enter the statistical value for the item.

For more information, see Statistical Value.

Supplementary Unit

All EU Countries

Field that indicates the possible units measuring quantity. For more information, see Supplementary Unit.

Country of Origin

For Dispatch reports

  • All EU Countries

For Arrival reports

  • France

This field is shown on the Tax Reporting subtab and on the Items sublist of the transaction.

For more information, see Country of Origin.

Partner ID

For Dispatch reports only

  • All EU Countries

This field refers to the client's VAT Number. This field is shown on the Tax Reporting subtab. You must enter the partner's VAT number in the member state of destination.

For more information, see Partner ID.


When a customer or vendor is selected on a transaction form, the Statistical Value, Country of Origin, and Partner ID columns are also added on the Items sublist. These fields are not automatically populated. You must manually enter the values for each column on the line item.

For more information about country-specific fields used in Intrastat reports, see the following topics:

Intrastat Reporting Fields on Item Records

If the International Tax Reports SuiteApp is installed in your account, the following fields are displayed on some item record types:

The Tax Reporting subtab on item records contains the following field:

Field Name


Field Description

Commodity Code and Commodity Code Validation link

All EU Countries

You must enter a commodity code on item records that you use for EU transactions.

This field is mandatory in Intrastat reporting.

For more information, see Commodity Code.

Supplementary Unit

All EU Countries

For certain goods, a supplementary quantity is provided in addition to the net mass. Supplementary units are units other than kilograms such as liters, numbers of pieces, carats, terajoules or square meters.

You may provide a supplementary unit on item records that you use for EU transactions. If it is not required, you can leave the field blank. For more information, see Supplementary Unit.

The Tax Reporting subtab and EU Intrastat Reporting subtabs appear on the following item record types:

Related Topics:

General Notices