Personalized Catalog Views


Please be aware of the following:

  • This information refers to SuiteCommerce or the 2019.2 release of SuiteCommerce Advanced or later. Do not enable Personalized Catalog Views if your site is using a SuiteCommerce Advanced release prior to 2019.2.

  • Personalized Catalog Views is incompatible with SCIS. If you use SCIS, do not enable the PCV feature.

  • Personalized Catalog Views is incompatible with Intelligent Recommendations. If you use both features on the same website, intelligent recommendations may display items to the customer that should not be visible to them based on personalized catalog view settings.

The Personalized Catalog Views (PCV) feature enables you to provide different customers with access to different items. You can divide your customers into groups and provide each group with access to a tailored selection of catalog items​. You can define whether a particular customer group can view the items, view the prices, buy the items, or all three, which is useful in many scenarios, particularly for B2B websites. For example:

PCV uses NetSuite records, such as Customer Groups, Commerce Categories, and Item Collections, as well as the Customer Segments Manager tool, to help you personalize catalogs for your customers.

See the following topics for more information about PCV:

Watch the following help video for more information about Personalized Catalog Views.

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