Setting Up Personalized Catalog Views

The first step in setting up personalized catalog views is to determine how you want to divide your customers and items and which items you want to make accessible to which customers. Some questions to ask at this stage are:

Setting up PCV after you have answers to these questions makes the process much easier.


With the 21.1 release of NetSuite, menu navigation for Setup > Marketing > Customer Segments Manager has changed to Commerce > Marketing > Customer Segments Manager. See Commerce Tab.

Watch the following help video for information about setting up PCV.

Personalized Catalog Views Setup Checklist

To use PCV in your web store:

  1. Determine the customer segments and item segments you require for your web store.

  2. Create customer segments – see Defining Customer Segments.

  3. Create item segments – see Defining Item Segments.

  4. Enable the Personalized Catalog Views feature – see Enabling Personalized Catalog Views

  5. Ensure that the people working with PCV have the correct permissions – see Personalized Catalog Views Roles and Permissions

  6. Define which item segments are visible and can be purchased – see Managing which Customer Segments can Access Item Segments.

    • Define which item segments are visible to which customer segments

    • Define which item segments be purchased by which customer segments

    • Define if all users can view or purchase items that are not included in any item segments that are mapped to customer segments

  7. Check that the correct items are displayed to the correct customers – see Verifying Personalized Catalog Views

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