File Import Error Messages for Bank Statement Parsers

This section lists some of the common errors found during a file import and what you can do to correct the error. The errors are organized by parser plug-ins.

OFX/QFX File Import Error Messages

Error Message

Cause or Scenario


The file cannot be imported because the currency code [code] in the file does not match the currency code for the same account in NetSuite. Check your format profile record or contact your bank to correct the error and re-upload the file again.

The account currency in your bank statement file does not match the currency of the mapped account in NetSuite.

Verify which currency must apply. For more information about how to check account details in NetSuite, see Viewing the Chart of Accounts.

To correct the bank statement file, contact your financial institution.

The file upload failed because the file contains an incorrect date format. OFX Statement files use <YYYY-MM-DD> date format. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

Invalid date format.

To correct the date format in your bank statement file, contact your financial institution.

The file cannot be imported because the account [ID] in the file does not match an account in NetSuite. Check the Account Mapping in the format profile record or contact your bank to correct the error and re-upload the file again.

No matching account in NetSuite.

Check the account mapping in your format profile record. Under the Account Linking subtab, make sure each account ID are linked to a GL account.

The file upload failed because it contains transactions that were not successfully posted in the bank's system. Contact your bank to correct the error and re-upload the file again.

The Status code in your bank statement file is not equal to 0 (zero) or Success.

Contact your financial institution to confirm the correct status of your transactions.

MT940 File Import Error Messages

Error Message

Cause or Scenario


The file upload failed because the calculated Closing Balance does not match the Closing Amount in the file. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

The sum of the opening balance amount (tag :60:) and the sum of the statements amount (tag :61:) within the transaction is not equal to the closing balance amount (tag :62:)

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file could not be imported because the currency code [code] for an account does not match the currency code for the same account in NetSuite.

The account currency on your bank statement file does not match the currency of the mapped account in NetSuite.

Verify which currency must apply. For more information about how to check account details in NetSuite, Viewing the Chart of Accounts.

To correct the bank statement file, contact your financial institution.

The file upload failed because the file contains an incorrect data at line [number] for [tag :X:]. Amounts must include only one comma or period as a decimal separator. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

Multiple commas are parsed.

To remove multiple or duplicate decimal separators, contact your financial institution.

The file could not be imported, because the account [name] in the file does not match an account in NetSuite.

The Transaction Account (tag :25:) value in your MT940 file is missing in your format profile.

Check the account mapping in your format profile record. Under the Account Linking subtab, make sure each account ID are linked to a GL account.

The file upload failed because the file contains an incorrect Amount Indicator. Expected Amount Indicator values are C, D, RC, or RD. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

The Amount Indicator contains an unknown value.

The value of Amount Indicator must be C, D, RC, or RD. To correct the file, contact your financial institution.

The file upload failed because the file contains an incorrect date format. MT940 statement files use the <YYMMDD> date format. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

Incorrect date format for tag :61:.

Check your bank statement file and make sure the date in tag :61: is in YYMMDD format. Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the file contains an incorrect booking date format. MT940 statement files use the <MMDD> date format in the Booking Date field. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

Incorrect booking date format.

Check your bank statement file and make sure the booking date in tag :61: is in MMDD format. Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because it contains an unknown transaction code [XYZ]. Update you format profile to add non-Swift transactions codes and re-upload the file again.

Unknown transaction code.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

BAI2 File Import Error Messages

Error Message

Cause or Scenario


The file upload failed because the file contains an incorrect date format. BAI2 Statement files use the <YYMMDD> date format. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

Invalid date format.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the file contains an incorrect Funds Type. Expected Funds Type values are 0, 1, 2, S, V, D, or Z. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

Invalid Funds Type value

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because it contains multiple file header records. The file must only have one File Header. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

The statement file contains multiple file headers.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the total sum of transactions imported per account does not match the Account Control Total amount in the file. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

The value of Account Control Total in the Account Trailer (49) record is incorrect.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the total number of records per account does not match with the Account Trailer Control in the file. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

The number of records in the Account Trailer record is incorrect.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the total sum of transactions per group does not match the Group Control Total in the file. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

The value of Group Control Total in the Group Trailer record is incorrect.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the total number of Account Records per group does not match the Number of Accounts in the Group Account Trailer record in the file. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

The value of Number of Accounts in the Group Trailer record is incorrect.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the total number of records per group does not match with the Group Trailer Control in the file. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

The number of records in the Group Trailer record is incorrect.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the total sum of transactions imported does not match the File Control Total amount in the file. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

The value of File Control Total is incorrect.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the total number of Group Headers in the file does not match the Number of Groups in the File Trailer record. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

The value of Number of Groups in the File Trailer is incorrect.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the total number of records in the file does not match the total number of records in the File Trailer record. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

The number of records in the File Trailer is incorrect.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because it contains an extra Record 88 with no preceding record. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

The Continuation (88) record does not have a preceding record type.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the file contains extra fields in one or more records. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

The record contains additional fields.

For example, (49) record only requires 3 fields but the statement file contains additional field values.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because it contains one or more incorrectly formatted record. Every record in the file must end with a forward slash. Contact your bank to correct the error and re-upload the file again.

The records or lines in the file does not end with a forward slash.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the Customer Account Number field is missing. A complete BAI2 file must contain Records 01, 02, 03, 16, 88, 49, 98, or 99 including all the mandatory fields. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

A required field is blank.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the Amount field has an invalid field data: "100.00". Contact your bank to correct the file, and re-upload it again.

A field contains an invalid data.

For example, the Amount field expects a numeric value, but the field contains another data type.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the record code is invalid. Expected record code values for BAI2 files are 01, 02, 03, 16, 88, 49, 98, or 99. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

The record code is invalid.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the record code is missing. A complete BAI2 file must contain Records 01, 02, 03, 16, 88, 49, 98, or 99. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

One of the records in the file does not have a record code.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the file is blank. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

The file is blank.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because file format is incorrect. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

The file format is incorrect.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the file is incomplete. A complete BAI2 file must contain Records 01, 02, 03, 16, 88, 49, 98, or 99. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

The file is missing one or a few records.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because of an internal error. Please contact support if the problem persists.

An internal or unexpected error is encountered.

Contact Support for assistance.

The file upload failed because of <error> error at line number <line number>. If you have repeatedly received this error message, contact customer support.

An internal or unexpected error is encountered.

Contact Support for assistance.

The file upload failed because one of the records in the file has missing fields. Contact your bank to correct the file, and re-upload it again.

One of the records in the file has missing fields.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the parser has not completed processing a previous record due to an error. A new record cannot be processed. Contact customer support.

Unable to create a new record because of a previous record error.

Contact Support for assistance.

The file upload failed because the Group Header and Account Identifier are missing. A complete BAI2 file must contain Records 01, 02, 03, 16, 88, 49, 98, or 99. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

Unable to import the bank statement file because the values for Group Header and Account Identifier are missing.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file upload failed because the Group Header, Account Identifier, and Transaction Detail are missing. A complete BAI2 file must contain Records 01, 02, 03, 16, 88, 49, 98, or 99. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

Unable to import the bank statement file because the values for Group Header, Account Identifier, and Transaction Detail are missing.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

CAMT.053 File Import Error Messages

Error Message

Cause or Scenario


The file upload failed because it does not conform with the valid CAMT.053.001.02 XML Format. Contact your bank to correct the error, and re-upload the file again.

The uploaded XML failed the CAMT.053.001.02 XSD validation.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file mapping must begin with “<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt>” to import the transactions from the file to NetSuite.

Incorrect parser configuration.

On the format profile record, under Parser Configuration subtab, check the File Mapping value of your NetSuite mapped fields. All file mapping must begin with <BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt>.

Each tag used in the file mapping must be enclosed in “<” and “>”, and must be separated by a space. For example, <BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Acct> <Id> <IBAN>.

The file mapping values in the Parser Configuration subtab of your format profile does not follow the correct tag format.

Tags must be in the following format:

  • Enclosed in angle brackets ( < > )

  • Each tag must be separated by a single space

The configurations for the following field(s) will be removed:

<NetSuite field names>

Click OK to restore the default file mapping or click Cancel to manually configure the file mapping for the affected fields.

All mappings for a specific field in the Parser Configuration subtab are deleted.

Check your parser configuration and ensure that all standard NetSuite fields are present.

To the list of default mapping values for CAMT.053 parser, see Configuring CAMT.053 Parser.

The Credit/Debit value is sourced from the statement file to determine the GL Impact of the transaction. Click OK to set the value to N/A and use the indicator in the file or click Cancel to override the amount indicator in the file.

The Credit/Debit field in the Transaction Code Mapping subtab is set to a value other than N/A.

Check your parser configuration.

The bank statement file contains {number} transactions that are not yet posted or booked in your bank account. Only booked or posted transactions are imported.

The status of the imported transaction is not set to Book.

Contact your financial institution for assistance.

The file mapping {file mapping value} for NetSuite Field {NetSuite field value} already exists. Please enter a unique file mapping path.

You parser configuration contains duplicate file mapping rows.

On your format profile, under the Parser Configuration subtab, remove duplicate file mapping rows.

CSV File Import Error Messages

CSV Files with Errors

If your CSV file contains invalid characters or other errors, the import status fails, and an error displays on the Banking Import History page. In the expanded Import Status details, you can view the failure reasons for the import along with a link to download a CSV file. The file contains an additional column indicating errors for each transaction row.

You can also view the list of generated CSV import error files by going to Documents > Files > File Cabinet > SuiteBundles > Bundle 293699 > com.netsuite.bsp > CSV Files with Errors.

The CSV import error file does not include the transaction’s account number and is automatically deleted every 90 days.

Error Message

Cause or Scenario


Invalid date value: {date}. Verify that the Date Format on the Formatting Preferences subtab of your format profile matches the date in the uploaded file.

The date is not accepted by the parser due to one of the following reasons:

  • There is a mismatch between the configured Date Format field value and the date in the uploaded CSV file.

  • The file uploaded is corrupted or has missing date values.

To resolve, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Parser Configuration subtab of your format profile, click the Formatting Preferences subtab.

  2. Check the value on the Date Format field. Make sure the value matches the date format in your statement file. Update if necessary.

The file upload failed due to one of the following reasons:

  • One or more column CSV column headers do not match the format profile's Field Mapping subtab values.

  • The uploaded CSV file is not in UTF-8 encoded format.

Check your CSV file and then try again.

CSV import failed because either the column headers do not match the mapping configuration, or the file is not in UTF-8 encoded format.

To resolve, perform the following steps:

  1. Check your parser configuration.

    1. On the Parser Configuration subtab of your format profile, click the Field Mapping subtab.

    2. Check if CSV column headers match the field mapping values in NetSuite. Update if necessary.

  2. Make sure that CSV statement file is UTF-8 encoded.

    For more information about how to convert your file into a UTF-8 encoded format, see Preparing CSV Parser Bank Statement Files for Import.

Invalid transaction line: {line number}. Verify that only one of the following fields has a value: Amount, Debit Amount, or Credit Amount.

The CSV file contains more than one amount value.

Check your CSV file and make sure only one of the following fields has a value:

  • Amount

  • Debit Amount

  • Credit Amount

Invalid format for value: {number}. The following format preferences are in the configuration: Number Format: {number format}, Negative Number Format: {negative number format}. Either update your Formatting Preferences or the number format in the bank statement file.

Number field in file does not match the Number Format and Negative Number Format in the Format Preferences.

Check your parser configuration to match the number format in your CSV file.

One or more required column values are missing: {file mapping field}.

The CSV file has missing mapped field values.

Check your CSV file and make sure the following field values are present:

  • Required mapping fields, such as Date, Account Number, or Transaction Type

  • Conditional required fields, such as Amount, Credit Amount, Debit Amount, and Amount Indicator fields.

One or more lines in the uploaded CSV file contain errors. To see the list of transactions with errors, see {URL}. For files with more than 100 transactions, only the first 100 transactions with errors are shown.

One or more lines in the CSV file contain errors.

Click the link to see the transaction error details.

The Credit Amount value cannot be a negative amount.

Amount Credit column contains a negative amount.

Update the amount in your CSV file to a positive value.

Verify that the Transaction Type matches the value provided in the transaction amount.

Transaction type does not match the amount value in the transaction.

Check the Transaction Type field value in your parser configuration. Make sure the value matches the transaction amount in your CSV file.

The file could not be imported, because {code} is not one of the recognized bank transaction codes. {code} must be mapped to a bank data type in NetSuite. For details, contact your administrator. For a list of custom bank transaction codes, your administrator must contact your financial institution.

The CSV file contains an invalid transaction type or code.

To see the list of supported transaction codes, see CSV Transaction Codes.

The Amount value cannot be a negative amount when using the Amount Indicator field.

The value for the Amount column contains a negative number.

In your formatting preferences, if you set a value in the Amount Indicator field, the amount in your CSV file must always be an absolute value.

Invalid Amount Indicator value: {amount indicator}. Verify that the Credit Indicator and Debit Indicator values on the Formatting Preferences subtab of your format profile matches the data in the uploaded file.

Amount indicator in CSV file does not match the Amount Indicator preference on the format profile.

To resolve, check your parser configuration by performing the following steps:

  1. On the Parser Configuration subtab of your format profile, click the Field Mapping subtab.

  2. In Amount Indicator, check if the value matches the data in your CSV file. You must also set the Credit Indicator and Debit Indicator preferences under the Formatting Preferences subtab when mapping the Amount Indicator field.

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