Project Work Breakdown Structure

The project work breakdown structure is available only when the Job Costing and Project Budgeting, Advanced Project Accounting, Custom Records, Custom Segments, and Activity Codes features are enabled. In the UI, you access this record at Lists > Relationships > Projects.

The internal ID for this record is wbs.

A work breakdown structure (WBS) provides a new subtab for project records. The WBS separates work into mutually exclusive parts. You can choose a global or monthly timeline type. Global timeline is a default option. The monthly timeline lets you to select a start and end date of the WBS. You can change the definition of the WBS lines. The monthly timeline type does not show the actuals outside of the defined time range. Unmatched revenue actuals show entries from revenue transactions with a global impact, which do not match any line of the WBS. The monthly timeline type does not display the actuals outside of the defined time range.

While selecting a task on the WBS line, add the actuals to the given line. If matching actuals by the task field fails, use the activity code. Add only one task or activity code to each line, or the system can not determine which line to use.

For help working with this record in the UI, see Project Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Budget vs. Actual Report.

See the SuiteScript Records Browser for all internal IDs associated with this record.

See Project Work Breakdown Structure for the macros associated with this record. For more information about actions and macros, see Overview of Record Action and Macro APIs.


For information about using the SuiteScript Records Browser, see Working with the SuiteScript Records Browser in the NetSuite Help Center.

For information about scripting with this record in SuiteScript, see the following help topics:

See the SuiteScript Records Browser for all internal IDs associated with this record.


For information about using the SuiteScript Records Browser, see Working with the SuiteScript Records Browser in the NetSuite Help Center.

Supported Script Types

The project work breakdown structure event record is supported in client and server SuiteScript.

Supported Functions

The project work breakdown structure record is partially scriptable. It can be created, read, updated, deleted, and searched using SuiteScript.

Usage Notes

Prefer using SuiteScript 2.x over SuiteScript 1.0 in favor of macro capabilities. You do not have to fill the Project field in UI. Set a value to the project field when scripting, because there is no context set.

Code Samples

The following sample shows how to create a work breakdown structure record, how to create a line and how to use macros for ETC and EAC.

          require(['N/record'], function(record) { 
   function createAndAssertWbs() { 
      var wbs = record.create({ 
         type: record.Type.WBS, 
         isDynamic: true 

         fieldId: 'project', 
         value: '43' 

         fieldId: 'timeline', 
         value: 'Global' 

         sublistId: 'lines' 

         sublistId: 'lines', 
         fieldId: 'name', 
         value: 'Line 1' 

         sublistId: 'lines' 

         id: 'setAmountFieldValue', 
         params: { lineIndex: 0, 
         fieldId: 'cost_etc', 
         value: 123.45 

      var wbsId =; 



require(['N/record'], function(record) { 
      type: record.Type.WBS, 
      id: '18' 


Related Topics

General Notices