Shelf-to-Sheet Count Errors

The following table lists the errors that you may encounter in using and processing the Shelf-to-Sheet Template and Count record, and provides the actions you may take to resolve the issues.

Errors in Setting Up the Shelf-to-Sheet Template

Error Scenario or Cause

Error Message

Required Action

Clicking Save on the Storage Area popup box without entering a Storage Area Name.

You did not enter a Storage Area Name.

Enter Storage Area Name.

Clicking Save on the Storage Area popup box with the Storage Area Name containing special characters.

Do not include special characters in the Storage Area Name.

For the Storage Area Name, enter only alphanumeric characters. Underscore (_) and dash (-) are allowed.

Clicking Save on the Storage Area popup box with the Storage Area Name having more than 40 characters.

Storage Area Name can only have 40 characters or less.

Enter a Storage Area Name with 40 characters or less.

Clicking Save on the Storage Area popup box with the Storage Area Description having more than 80 characters.

Storage Area Description can only have 80 characters or less.

Describe the Storage Area in 80 characters or less.

Clicking Save on the Storage Area popup box with a duplicate Storage Area Name.

Storage Area Name already exists. Enter a different name.

Enter a different Storage Area Name.

Clicking Save on the Shelf popup box without entering a Shelf Name.

You did not enter a Shelf Name.

Enter a Shelf Name.

Clicking Save on the Shelf popup box with the Storage Area Name containing special characters.

Do not include special characters in the Shelf Name.

For the Shelf Name, enter only alphanumeric characters. Underscore (_) and dash (-) are allowed.

Clicking Save on the Shelf popup box with the Shelf Name having more than 40 characters.

Shelf Name can only have 40 characters or less.

Enter a Shelf Name with 40 characters or less.

Clicking Save on the Shelf popup box with the Shelf Description having more than 80 characters.

Shelf Description can only have 80 characters or less.

Describe the Shelf in 80 characters or less.

Clicking Save on the Shelf popup box with a duplicate Shelf Name.

Shelf Name already exists. Enter a different name.

Enter a different Shelf Name.

Clicking Save on the Item popup box with a duplicate item selected.

The item already exists in this shelf. Enter a different item.

Select a different item.

Clicking Save on the Item popup box without selecting an item.

You did not select an item.

Select an item.

Clicking Save after editing the Shelf-to-Sheet Template.

Template data is corrupted, and processing cannot proceed. Please delete the template and create a new one.

Delete the template and create a new one.

Errors in Shelf-to-Sheet Count Start, Completion or Status Update

Error Scenario or Cause

Error Message

Required Action

Entering non-numeric characters in the Count column.

You cannot enter non-numeric characters. You can only enter positive numbers and decimals.

Enter only positive numbers and decimals.

Entering a quantity of more than 1,000,000,000 in the Count column.

The quantity you entered exceeds the maximum allowed count, which is 1,000,000,000.

Enter a quantity that does not exceed 1,000,000,000.

Entering a negative number in the Count column.

You cannot enter a negative number. You can only enter positive numbers and decimals.

Enter only positive numbers and decimals.

Entering text with more than 512 characters in the Memo column.

You can only enter a maximum of 512 characters.

Enter text containing characters that do not exceed 512.

Clicking Start Count with missing details on the Shelf-to-Sheet record.

The process cannot proceed because the record is missing some details. Ensure that you have provided the required information on the record.

Provide required information on the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record.

Clicking Start Count and an error occurs in updating the Inventory Count status to Started.

An error occurred in processing or updating the record status. Refer to the Help documentation on handling errors or consult your administrator.

Consult your Administrator or contact NetSuite Support.

Clicking Start Count and an error occurs in updating the Shelf-to-Sheet Count status to Started.

Server error. No error message.

Consult your Administrator or contact NetSuite Support.

Clicking Complete Count with missing details needed to continue processing.

The process cannot proceed because the record is missing some details. Ensure that you have provided the required information on the record.

Provide required information on the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record.

Clicking Complete Count and an error occurs in updating the Shelf-to-Sheet Count status to Complete.

An error occurred in processing or updating the record status. Refer to the Help documentation on handling errors or consult your administrator.

Consult your Administrator or contact NetSuite Support.

Clicking Complete Count and an error occurs in updating the Inventory Count status to Complete.

An error occurred in processing or updating the record status. Refer to the Help documentation on handling errors or consult your administrator.

Consult your Administrator or contact NetSuite Support.

Clicking Approve with missing details needed to continue processing.

The process cannot proceed because the record is missing some details. Ensure that you have provided the required information on the record.

Provide required information on the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record.

Clicking Approve and an error occurs in updating the Inventory Count status to Approved.

An error occurred in processing or updating the record status. Refer to the Help documentation on handling errors or consult your administrator.

Consult your Administrator or contact NetSuite Support.

Clicking Approve and an error occurs in updating the Shelf-to-Sheet Count status to Approved.

Server error. No error message.

Consult your Administrator or contact NetSuite Support.

Clicking Reject and an error occurs in updating the Inventory Count and Shelf-to-Sheet Count status back to Started.

An error occurred in processing or updating the record status. Refer to the Help documentation on handling errors or consult your administrator.

Consult your Administrator or contact NetSuite Support.

With item count started, clicking Save without entering the quantity of some items.

You have not entered the count of some items, and no inventory adjustment will be created for those items. Do you still want to submit the record?

Enter the quantity of all items in the Count column.

Clicking Save on a Shelf-to-Sheet Count record with no associated Shelf-to-Sheet template.

There is no Shelf-to-Sheet Template for the Subsidiary and Location selected on this record. You must first create a Shelf-to-Sheet Template for the Subsidiary and Location.

Create a Shelf-to-Sheet template for the Location and Subsidiary specified on the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record.

Clicking Save on a Shelf-to-Sheet Count record, but the associated Shelf-to-Sheet template contains no items.

The Shelf-to-Sheet Template associated with this Shelf-to-Sheet Count record contains no items. You must enter at least one item in the Shelf-to-Sheet Template to create its associated Shelf-to-Sheet Count record.

Enter at least one item in the Shelf-to-Sheet Template to create its associated Shelf-to-Sheet Count record.

Clicking Save on a Shelf-to-Sheet Count record with kit items nested within more than five kits.

This Shelf-to-Sheet Count record contains kit items nested within more than five kits. Edit the Shelf-to-Sheet Template associated with this record and ensure that it contains kit items nested within five kits only.

Edit the Shelf-to-Sheet Template associated with the record and ensure that it contains kit items nested within five kits only.

Clicking Save after editing the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record.

An error occurred in processing Shelf-to-Sheet Template data. Please create a new Shelf-to-Sheet Template and Count record for the location and subsidiary.

Create a new Shelf-to-Sheet Template and Count record for the location and subsidiary.

Related Topics:

General Notices