Setting Up the Shelf-to-Sheet Count Record

The Shelf-to-Sheet Count record sources or references the storage areas, shelves and items from its corresponding Shelf-to-Sheet Template and displays them on the Shelf-to-Sheet View subtab. For every Shelf-to-Sheet Count record created, a corresponding Inventory Count record is also created.

Before creating and setting up a Shelf-to-Sheet Count record, ensure that the following requirements are met; otherwise, record creation will fail:

To create and set up the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record:

  1. Go to Setup > Restaurant > Shelf-to-Sheet Count > New.

    If you are using a BOH Manager or General Manager role, go to Setup > Other Setup > Shelf-to-Sheet Count > New.

  2. On the Shelf-to-Sheet Count page, enter values for the following fields:

    • Subsidiary

    • Location


      The combination of subsidiary and location you selected will determine which Shelf-to-Sheet Template this Shelf-to-Sheet Count record will reference or use.

    • Date

    • Account

  3. (Optional) Enter values for the following fields:

    • Department

    • Class

    • Memo

  4. Click Save.

After saving the record, the Start Count button is displayed. Also, the Shelf-to-Sheet View subtab displays the storage areas, shelves and items that were set up in the associated Shelf-to-Sheet Template with the same subsidiary and location specified on that Shelf-to-Sheet Count record.

In addition, a corresponding Inventory Count record is automatically created, where, after completing a count, the item quantity is reflected. This Inventory Count record cannot be directly edited, it can only be updated by editing or changing the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record associated with it.


If there are changes to a Shelf-to-Sheet template, the associated Shelf-to-Sheet Count record of that template must either be deleted or approved, and then the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record must be recreated for that template with changes.

Related Topics:

General Notices