Starting and Completing Item Count

You can start an item count on the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record, and then enter the quantity of each item on the Shelf-to-Sheet View subtab of the record. After completing the count on the record, an approval workflow follows, and the item quantities are recorded on the corresponding Inventory Count record.


Once a count is started for a particular subsidiary and location, you cannot start another count for the same subsidiary and location until the ongoing count is completed.


If you later change any items already included in the Shelf-to-Sheet template and count, to Bin, Lot Numbered, and Serialized items, or make them inactive, errors will be encountered in the count. In this case, you should exclude Bin/Lot/Serial and inactive items by recreating the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record.

To start and complete an item count on the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record:

  1. Open or edit a Shelf-to-Sheet Count record.


    In opening a Shelf-to-Sheet Count record from Setup > Restaurant > Shelf-to-Sheet Count, on the Shelf-to-Sheet Counts search results page, ensure that in the View field you always select Shelf To Sheet Count Default List. Do not select Default, as this will display a list with missing details.

  2. On the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record, click Start Count.

    The status of the record changes to Count Started.


    Once a count is started, do not edit the Shelf-to-Sheet template being referenced by the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record, because any changes in the template will not be reflected on the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record.


    A Shelf-to-Sheet Count record with a large number of items may take some time to process data when changing the workflow status. During processing time, you should not stop the process or close the browser. Wait for the system to finish processing data.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. On the Shelf-to-Sheet View subtab, under the Count Column, click the box or cell of the corresponding item that you want to enter the count or quantity of. Enter quantity of the item.


    You can only enter whole numbers and decimals. Do not enter negative numbers nor special characters.

    Repeat this step for every item you want to count.

  5. (Optional) In the Memo column, enter text about any details you want to note about the item.

    You can only enter a maximum of 512 characters.

  6. Click Save.

    You can still change the quantity of items by editing the record again.

  7. Finalize the item count and click Complete Count. The status of the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record changes to Completed/Pending Approval. The Approve and Reject buttons are displayed.

    The final count of items must be the sum of the counts of ingredients or kit member items entered on the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record.

    In addition, on the corresponding Inventory Count record, the item count quantity is automatically updated.

  8. The General Manager role or any authorized role validates the record by clicking Approve. The status of the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record is changed to Approved. Also, the status of the corresponding Inventory Count record is automatically set to Approved.


    Once the status of the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record is approved, an Inventory Adjustment record is automatically created for the items with quantity, existing in Corresponding Items of the Inventory Count record. Also, you cannot delete an approved Shelf-to-Sheet Count record.

    If Reject is clicked, the status of the record is reverted to Count Started and the items can be recounted.

  9. To print the Shelf-to-Sheet Count record, click Print Shelf-to-Sheet Count. A pre-formatted Inventory Count Sheet printout is displayed in a new browser window.

Item Count Considerations

The following are some scenarios that you should consider about item counts:

For more information about the errors described in the scenarios, refer to Shelf-to-Sheet Count Errors.

Related Topics:

General Notices