Ireland Payment Formats

The Ireland Localization SuiteApp delivers several payment formats used by the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp. To use this feature, you must have the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApps installed in your NetSuite account.

For more information, see Prerequisites for Installing the Ireland Localization SuiteApp.

The Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp allows businesses to pay vendor bills, employee expenses, customer refunds, and partner commissions, as well as receive payments from customers within Ireland, by generating payment files in the following formats:

Additional payment formats for EMEA countries are delivered by EMEA Localization SuiteApp (which is a prerequisite for the Ireland Localization SuiteApp). For more information, see EMEA Localization Payment Templates.

To set up the payment formats for your companies, subsidiaries, vendors, employees, customers, and partners in Ireland, read the following topics:

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General Notices