Customizing SuitePeople U.K. Localization Reports

Customize the saved searches that come with SuitePeople U.K. Localization (SUL) to display information that fit in with your business needs.

To customize a SuitePeople U.K. Localization report:

  1. Go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches.

  2. From the list, click Edit beside one of the following SUL saved searches or a customized search.

    • TEMPLATE U.K. Pay Equity Report

    • TEMPLATE U.K. Employee Report

    For more information, read SuitePeople U.K. Localization Saved Searches.

  3. On the Saved Employee Search page, edit or retain the values as desired. For more information, read Defining a Saved Search.

  4. Click Save As to save the changed search under a different name

  5. From the list, click View beside the name of the customized report.

  6. To export the results as files that you can open in external applications, click Export. For more information, read Exporting Search Results.

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