Setting Tax Audit Files Report Preferences


Tax Audit Files SuiteApp is not compatible with the SuiteTax feature. If the SuiteTax feature is enabled in your NetSuite account, do not install this SuiteApp.

The Tax Audit Files Report Preferences define the filters on the Audit Files page. In the Tax Reporting page, you can:

Period End Journal

Tax Audit Files include Period End Journal support in generating audit files. This feature is automatically supported per subsidiary and is validated through your subsidiary settings. See Defining Subsidiary Settings for the Period End Journal Entries Feature for more information.

Reporting of Period End Journal entries is only supported in Mexico Auxiliary Report of Accounts. The Period End Journal Entries enables Mexico subsidiaries that have statutory requirements to record entries in the general ledger for period end transactions.

To set period end journal reporting preferences:

  1. Go to Setup > Tax Audit Files > Report Preferences.

  2. On the Subsidiary list, select a Mexico subsidiary.


    The Subsidiary list shows all available subsidiaries set up for the account, regardless of the nexus. To change the Period End Journal reporting preferences, select a subsidiary with a Mexico nexus.

  3. In the Include Period End Journal subtab, check the Balance Sheet Closing and Balance Sheet Opening box.

    The Income Statement Closing option is disabled by default as it is not needed in the report.

    Include Period End Journal Entries options are automatically validated through your Period End Journal Entries setting in your subsidiary. See the help topic Defining Subsidiary Settings for the Period End Journal Entries Feature for more information.

  4. Click Save.

Tax Point Date

Tax Audit Files lets you change the period filters of Philippines reports from accounting periods to tax point dates. When the Use Tax Point Date box is checked, the report you generate will use the Start Date and End Date of transactions as reference points. This feature is only available for Philippines subsidiaries.

For information about managing accounting periods, see Accounting Period Management.

To set tax point date reporting preferences:

  1. Go to Setup > Tax Audit Files > Report Preferences.

  2. On the Subsidiary list, select a Philippines subsidiary.

  3. The Period Filters subtab shows the default report setting for the selected subsidiary. Review and change the settings of the following preferences as needed:

    • Report – This column lists the following Philippines reports you can generate:

      • General Ledger

      • General Journal

      • Sales Journal

      • Purchase Journal

      • Cash Receipts Journal

      • Cash Disbursements Journal

      • Inventory Book

    • Use Tax Point Date – Check this box to use the tax point dates, or Start Date and End Date, as the report filter of the Philippines report listed in the Report column. Clear this box if you want to use accounting periods or Start Period and End Period instead of tax point dates for the corresponding Philippines report.


      To generate reports using tax point dates, check your reporting preferences and make sure the Report By Period field is set to Never. For more information, see Reporting Preferences on the Set Preferences Page.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Make sure the reporting preferences in your Set Preferences page matches the Tax Audit Files preferences you have enabled. Refer to the following table for the required settings:

    Report Filter

    Tax Audit Files Period Filter

    Report By Period Preferences

    Filter by tax point date:

    • Start Date

    • End Date

    Use Tax Point Date box is checked.

    Set to Never.

    Filter by accounting period:

    • Start Period

    • End Period

    Use Tax Point Date box is cleared.

    Set to All Reports or Financials Only

For more information, see Reporting Preferences on the Set Preferences Page.

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