SuiteCommerce Top Searches Workbook

This workbook displays the top search queries your shoppers used to find products on your website. You can not only find the popular products that shoppers search for on your website, but also analyze the language and the terminologies that your shoppers use to describe the products they are searching for.

After identifying the popular search queries, merchandisers can take these actions to entice shoppers to purchase the products:

From within the workbook you can view pivot tables that sort Search Queries by Number of Searches in descending order. By default, a pivot table is created for each site configured in your account. To access the workbook, click the SuiteCommerce Top Searches link from the Standard Workbooks list on the Workbook Listing Page. Click any site name tab and then click the refresh icon to load the data for that website.

Pivot Tables

For each site configured in your NetSuite account, a pivot table is created by default. Therefore, the number of pivot tables predefined in the Top Searches Workbook is equal to the number of sites configured in the account.


The name of the pivot table is same as the name of the site configured in your account.

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