Customer-Scheduled Maintenance FAQ

How does the Customer-Scheduled Maintenance page work?

The Customer-Scheduled Maintenance page gives customers the ability to pick the date and time for applicable planned maintenance to minimize the impact on their business operations.

How will I know when my account has a maintenance that I can reschedule?

When a maintenance is planned, an email notification is sent to all account administrators who are signed up to receive administrative notifications at Setup > Company > Company Management > Administrative Notifications. If the maintenance can be rescheduled, the email will include a link to the Customer-Scheduled Maintenance page.

What time format and time zone are used for my Customer-Scheduled Maintenances?

The Customer-Scheduled Maintenance page displays all dates and times in a 12-hr HH:MM AM/PM format in the local time zone you have configured in User Preferences.

The maintenance notifications communicate all dates and times in the time format and time zone recipients have configured in their User Preferences.

When I reschedule a maintenance, are the date and time options based on the NetSuite maintenance window to which my account is assigned?

Maintenance rescheduling is not restricted based on the current NetSuite maintenance windows (APAC: 9:00 AM PST, EU: 2:00 PM PST, NA: 12:01 AM PST). Customers can reschedule their maintenance to any alternate date and time that are available for selection. Dates and times that are not available will be greyed out in the Reschedule Maintenance Date/Time selector.

What is the deadline for rescheduling a maintenance?

The option to reschedule a planned maintenance locks 72 hours before the start of the maintenance. The Customer-Scheduled Maintenance page clearly indicates when the period for rescheduling locks.

How long do I have to wait for the request to be approved?

Reschedule requests are automatically processed immediately. Approvals are not required.

Will I receive a notification if a planned maintenance is canceled?

An in-account notification is displayed to users who log in with the Administrator role if a planned maintenance is canceled.

How are planned maintenances initially scheduled?

Initial maintenance times are chosen by NetSuite based on your account activity.

The options posted on the Customer-Scheduled Maintenance page’s Rescheduling Date/Time selector are based on the dates and times that are available for the planned maintenance at the time of rescheduling.

Who can access the Customer-Scheduled Maintenance page?

Users with the Administrator role can access the Customer-Scheduled Maintenance page and can reschedule planned maintenances.

Who receives automated communications about planned maintenances?

All account administrators and any additional recipients who are signed up to receive administrative notifications at Setup > Company > Company Management > Administrative Notifications for particular communication types will receive communications.

What types of automated communications are included with customer-scheduled maintenances?

In-account notifications and email messages are used to inform you about customer-scheduled maintenances.

Does the Customer-Scheduled Maintenance feature support non-production accounts like sandbox, Release Preview, and development accounts?

The Customer-Scheduled Maintenance feature supports production, sandbox, and development accounts. For supported maintenance types, see Types of Customer-Scheduled Maintenance.

Currently, there is no support for Release Preview accounts. Support for these account types will be made available in future releases.

Will the Customer-Scheduled Maintenance page on the production account display maintenance for sandbox accounts?

No. The Customer-Scheduled Maintenance page on the production account will not display maintenance for sandbox accounts. To reschedule a sandbox maintenance, you will need to log in to the sandbox account and go to the Customer-Scheduled Maintenance page.

How is the Estimated End Time in the Reschedule Maintenance popup calculated?

Estimated End Time is calculated by adding the planned maintenance duration to the rescheduled start date and time of the maintenance.

Can a maintenance be canceled or rescheduled even if a customer does not request it?

Yes. The NetSuite Operations team can cancel a customer-scheduled maintenance if necessary. If this occurs, the account administrators will be notified and given an opportunity to select a new date and time for the maintenance.

What does it mean if my maintenance has been rolled back?

During the maintenance, not all required tasks could be completed. Because of this, the maintenance changes have been reversed and your account has been set to its latest state before the maintenance began. No data has been lost. You can continue to use your account and the maintenance will be rescheduled for another date in the future. All administrators will be notified of the roll back and again when the maintenance is rescheduled.

Does my service tier determine if I can reschedule a maintenance?

No. Customer-scheduled maintenances are rolled out to all NetSuite customers, regardless of service tier.

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