Choosing Report Title, Field, Format, Subtotal Grouping, and Matrix Column

After you have chosen a metric, the New Report page lists the other choices for you to make. You can modify the default title provided for the report. Then you can review, and if desired, modify the following:

To Choose Report Title, Field, Format, Subtotal Grouping, and Matrix Column

  1. You can change the field that has been preselected to provide report column data. (This field is from the component associated with your chosen metric.)

  2. You can choose one of the following formats:

    • The Summary format provides roll-up level reporting, with subtotals of the selected field's data for each subtotal grouping field value. (The subtotal grouping field value is set in step 3.) This format is the default.

      For example, with a field of Projected Amount, and a subtotal grouping of Sales Rep, a summary Opportunity report could display the total Projected Amount for each Sales Rep's opportunities. See Summary Opportunity Report for an example.

    • The Detail format provides row values at the individual record or transaction level, in addition to roll-up totals for subtotal grouping field values.

      For example, with a field of Projected Amount, and a subtotal grouping of Sales Rep, a detail Opportunity report could display Projected Amount values for all opportunity transactions, grouped by Sales Rep, with a subtotal value for each Sales Rep's total Projected Amount. See Detail Opportunity Report for an example.

    • The Matrix format provides roll-up level reporting, with both vertical and horizontal subtotals. Vertical, or row-level, subtotals are calculated for each subtotal grouping field value. Horizontal, or column-level, subtotals, are calculated for each matrix column value. (The subtotal grouping field value is set in step 3 and the matrix column field is set in step 4.)

      For example, with a field of Projected Amount, a subtotal grouping of Sales Rep, and a matrix column of Partner, a matrix Opportunity report could display the total Projected Amount for each Sales Rep, and break out each Sales Rep's amount by associated Partner. See Matrix Opportunity Report for an example.

  3. You can change the component and field that have been preselected to provide subtotal rows. This field provides row-level grouping for the report.

  4. (For matrix format reports only) You can change the field that has been preselected to provide column-level subtotals for matrix reports. This field provides grouping across columns for the report.


See Example Ad Hoc Report Results to get an idea of how your format choices affect ad hoc report output.

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