Overview of Auto Close Back Orders

The Auto Close Back Orders SuiteApp works with the following item types:

Auto Close Back Orders Preference

Select appropriate option in the Items to Auto Close preference in the Custom Preferences subtab of the General Preferences page (Setup > Company > General Preferences). The preference has the following options:


In version 1.02.0 of the Auto Close Back Orders SuiteApp, the following options in the Auto Close Back Orders preference are renamed:

  • Items in Fill Kill Items List renamed to Items in Items in Auto Close Items List

  • Items not in Fill Kill Items List renamed to Items not in Auto Close Items List

If you had previously installed a version older than 1.02.0 of the SuiteApp, you would see the old options even after upgrading to the latest version. Also, translation will not work on the old options.

Criteria for Automatic Closing of Back Orders

A line item on a sales order is automatically closed only when all of the following conditions are met:


Completely fulfilled sales order lines are not automatically closed.

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General Notices