Exporting Bulk Content for Translation from Site Management Tools

In Site Management Tools (SMT), you can identify and export content that needs to be translated from the Translations tab in Overview Mode. For details, see Translations Tab User Interface. The content that you can export includes all CMS Pages and CMS Content Types that are supported by SMT. The Translations tab lets you manage original translations and content updates, and it also displays any content that has pending translations. Each file is saved as an individual XLIFF file, compressed into a ZIP file, and saved to the File Cabinet. For details, see File Cabinet Overview. You also have the option to save the file locally.

To export bulk content for translation from SMT:

  1. Log in to SMT. For details, see Log In.

  2. Click Overview Mode.

  3. Select the Translations tab.

  4. After you have reviewed the content to export, click Export All.

  5. When prompted, select the language that you want the default language to be translated into.


    If a translation exists for any content, it is included in the export.

  6. If required, check the Include Unpublished box to include unpublished content with the export.

  7. Click Next to export the content.

  8. Click Close.

  9. After the content has been successfully exported, a banner appears at the top of the page. From the banner you can:

    1. Download the ZIP file from the File Cabinet (Documents > Files > File Cabinet), under SuiteBundle > Bundle ID > ExportforTranslation.


    2. Save a local file by selecting the Click here to save a local file link.


    The content stored in the Export for Translation folder is automatically replaced when a new export is initiated.

  10. After the ZIP file is downloaded, the file can be sent to a third party translator. When you have received the translated content, you can import it back into SMT. For details, see Importing Bulk Translation Content into Site Management Tools.

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