Understanding Custom Retail Calendars

The Same-Store Sales Report requires retail calendars for the years that you want to compare store sales. The retail calendars that you create and import can be in the 4-5-4, 4-4-5, 5-4-4, or other formats. For more information, see Validations in Creating and Importing Calendars. For example, the 4-5-4 retail calendar has a month with 4 weeks, followed by a month with 5 weeks, then another month with 4 weeks. Each quarter has an equal number of days, 91. To know more about retail calendars and get examples, you can refer to the National Retail Federation (NRF).

Using the Same-Store Sales Report SuiteApp, you can import retail calendars and then set one Primary Calendar for each year. The Primary Calendar that you set for a year is referenced by the SuiteApp used when you generate the Same-Store Sales Report.

For the Same-Store Sales Report to work, calendars for the two years in which sales are to be compared (with Custom reporting period selected), must be created and imported. You can compare consecutive years, like 2019 and 2020; or nonconsecutive years, like 2014 and 2019. The more recent or leading calendar year is assigned This Year, and the previous or lagging one is assigned Last Year. The sales data recorded in identical periods in the two calendars will be compared by the report.

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