Creating Payment Processing Profiles

To process a payment with a particular payment gateway integration, you must create a payment processing profile. The profile contains the parameters needed to establish communication with a payment gateway.

When specifying the payment option, you can select a particular payment processing profile in the context of a particular transaction only if the profile is appropriately configured. Before 2020.2, strict rules were not applied by default, and you were able to select payment processing profiles even when there were no profiles configured for the given context.

To select a profile in the context of a particular transaction, you must configure the following payment processing profile settings:

To create a new payment processing profile:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Payment Processing Profiles.

  2. In the Action column on the Payment Gateway Integrations page, click Enable & New or Add Profile, depending on whether you are creating the first profile for the particular integration.

  3. Configure the payment processing profile as appropriate.

    For more information on the profile properties, see Setting Up Payment Processing Profiles in NetSuite and Setting Up an Alternative Payment Method Processing Profile.

  4. Click Save.

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