Global Search Overview

Global search allows you to search any page, record, or field anywhere in your account data by entering keywords into a search field. You can find the search field at the top of any NetSuite page. For more information, see How to Use Global Search.

Global Search field

You can adjust the global search preferences under the Analytics subtab at Home > Set Preferences. For more information, see Analytics Personal Preferences.

Current Page Results

The Current Page Results feature is an enhancement to the global search. When you enter keywords in the global search field, search results include all hierarchy levels within the navigation menus and all fields, tabs, subtabs, and column headers on the page that is currently open. The Current Page Results feature is available on form pages, setup pages, and list pages. The enhanced results appear under a Current Page Results heading.

You can initiate the current page search by pressing Alt+Shift+G. When you enter keywords, only the current page search results will be displayed. If you want to see results from both the global search and the current page search, press Esc.

You can collapse both the Global Search Results and the Current Page Results parts by clicking on the headings.

If you hover over a search result, you can see the Open link on the right side of the result. When you click on Open, you will be redirected to a new page showing the result.

To expand the list of results, click Show [N] more results. To collapse the list of results, click Show less results.

Current Page Results

The Current Page results feature is enabled by default. To disable the search, go to Home > Set Preferences. On the Analytics subtab, under Search, clear the Page Search box.

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