Creating a NetSuite Connector Account

If you have not implemented NetSuite Connector, contact NetSuite sales for the same. If you have an old NetSuite Connector account that was deactivated, contact NetSuite Customer Support to reactivate your account.

To create a NetSuite Connector account:

  1. Go to

  2. Click Sign up now.

  3. In the Sign up page, enter or select values in the required fields.

  4. Click Get Free Product Tour Now. Wait for your product demo from the Sales team.


    During the product demo, your user credentials will be created, and an account manager will be assigned.

  5. Use the credentials created for you to log in to NetSuite Connector. Provide your NetSuite ID and Token details under NetSuite > Settings > Credentials to establish connection between NetSuite and NetSuite Connector.

  6. Click Add New Connector to add your desired storefront connectors. You need to authorize the storefronts in NetSuite Connector to establish connection between them. You can seek assistance from your account manager for adding connectors

Related Topics

NetSuite Connector Setup
NetSuite Connector Prerequisites
NetSuite Connector IP Addresses to Safelist (Allowlist)
Migrating to the NetSuite Connector SuiteApp
Setting Up NetSuite Connector Order Sync
Setting Up NetSuite Connector Product Sync
Setting Up NetSuite for NetSuite Connector Syncs
Setting Up NetSuite Connector for Syncs
Managing Connector and Account Settings in NetSuite Connector

General Notices