Create Item Number Fields

Item number fields are required to create lot number format elements and additional lot fields. You can create item number fields from the Item Number Field page. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Item Number Fields > New. When creating an item number field, you must make the following selections on the Item Number Field page:

Lot number format elements work with the following item number field types:

Additional lot fields work with the following item number field types:


After you add an item number field to an additional lot field, do not change the item number field to an unsupported type.

Edit Item Number Field Name or Type

If you must edit the type of an item number field that is added to a lot number format element, note the following recommendations:

Change in Item Number Field

Recommended Actions

Additional Lot Fields Page

Lot Number Format Page and Lot Number Format Elements Page

To a type supported for lot number format element

No action required

Remove the item number field from the lot number format element that uses the item number field and add the same item number field again. Also, remove the lot number format element from the lot number format and add it back again.

To a type not supported for lot number format element but supported for additional lot fields

No action required

Remove the element from the lot number format and delete the lot number format element

To a type not supported for additional lot fields

Choose from the following:

  • Remove the item number field from additional lot fields

  • Revert the item number field to the previous type

Choose from the following:

  • Remove the element from the lot number format

  • Revert the item number field to the previous type

For an item number field name change, you must update the lot number format element that uses the item number field. Remove the item number field from the lot number format element and add the same item number field again.

Related Topics

General Notices