Order Reservation Import

An order reservation enables you to set aside multiple sources of supply for a specific group of future demands. This helps you to ensure that supplies are saved for high priority customers. You can use order reservations to automatically save supplies for anticipated demand by item, location, a time period, and a sales channel. You can further allocate supply on an order reservation to sales orders with the same channel only.

For more information, see Order Reservations.

To import CSV records for Order Reservation, use the CSV Import Assistant. For more information, see CSV Imports Overview.

To use the CSV Import Assistant to import this record, you must enable the Enabling Sales Channels feature and have the Import CSV File permission. For more information, see NetSuite Permissions Overview.

You can still manually update individual items and location attributes, if needed. For more information, see Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant.

The Order Reservation import supports the following sublist data:



Internal ID

Automatically added by the system.

External ID

Use this as a unique identifier for each order reservation.


The order reservation name.


The subsidiary associated with this reservation.


The item you want to reserve supplies for.


The order reservation location.

Sales Channel

The sales channel associated with the selected item.

Order Priority

The priority defined in the selected sales channel.

Allocation Strategy

Defines the rules that allocate specified current and future inventory.

Commitment Firm

The box that indicates all allocations to the reservation are firm.

Start Date

The date when the order reservation begins.

End Date

The date when the order reservation is no longer available.

Transaction Date

Displays the current and future inventory allocated to demand through the reservation.


The number of items reserved.

Target Quantity

The quantity to reserve.


The Unit of Measure.


The order reservation is closed without reserving the item.

Additional Information

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General Notices