Promo Code Amount Discrepancies

NetSuite Connector can handle discounts in different ways. The most common method is to use a default discount item, as detailed in Managing Order Discounts in NetSuite Connector.

You can also enable an option to match to SuitePromotions codes, as discussed in Setting Up Matching Promo Codes from the Marketplace or Cart to NetSuite. However, if you enable this setting, you may see errors about nonmatching promo codes.

When you sync orders with promo codes, NetSuite Connector includes only the promo code, but not the amount. If the promo amount in NetSuite does not match the promo amount in your marketplace/cart, then you may encounter issues in the order. Such cases cause discrepancies between the order total in NetSuite and the order total in the marketplace/cart. You may see an error similar to the following message:

NetSuite Connector found a match for “YOURPROMO” promotion code in NetSuite, but the discount amount in NetSuite ($50.00) does not match the order ($51.99).

Unlike default discount items, NetSuite Connector cannot overwrite the promo amount on the order to match the total amount on the marketplace/cart. You must ensure that the promo amount in the marketplace/cart exactly matches the promo amount in NetSuite.

Fixing Promo Code Amount Discrepancies

When the marketplace/cart and NetSuite amounts are different, issues with promo code amounts occur. These discrepancies are typically small amounts.

To fix the rounding issue, NetSuite implemented a workaround that will take the variance amount on a default discount item. NetSuite developed this solution for small discrepancies, but you may find that the solution works for other amount variances.

To use the workaround, you must do the following:

  • Use a default discount item named FARAPP_GENERIC_DISCOUNT. For more information, read Managing Order Discounts in NetSuite Connector.

  • Both FARAPP_GENERIC_DISCOUNT and your promo code must use either the same account or no account (non-posting). On the promotion, you can select the FARAPP_GENERIC_DISCOUNT item as the value for the Discount Item for Accounting field. Your individual accounting needs may differ, but you can refer to the following options as examples.

    • On the discount item record, go to the Accounting subtab. If this discount item is configured as non-posting, the Account field should be blank.

    • On the promotion record, find the Primary Information field group. If this promotion does not have a discount item selected for accounting, the Discount Item for Accounting field should be blank.

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