Setting Up Matching Promo Codes from the Marketplace or Cart to NetSuite

If you want to add Promo Codes to your marketplace or cart, NetSuite Connector can map the promo codes from the marketplace or cart to the corresponding coupon code in NetSuite. This ensures that the transactions between the marketplace or cart and NetSuite match. For more information about promo code discrepancies, read Promo Code Amount Discrepancies.


The leading practice is for discount, promotion, or coupon amounts to be set up to a generic discount item.

To set up matching Promo Codes from the marketplace or cart to NetSuite:

  1. In NetSuite, do the following:

    1. List Coupon Codes at the Promotion Level from List > Marketing > Promotion> New.

      This is critical because NetSuite Connector can only detect coupon codes listed at the Promotion Level. If your Coupon Code is not set to the Promotion Level, then NetSuite Connector will be unable to match the coupon codes and this feature will not work.

    2. Select the type of promotion you want to create and configure the promotions as needed.


      Coupon Codes are case sensitive.

    3. Click Save.

      If you see that your Promotion has the Coupon Code listed when you view the list of your promotions, this means the Coupon Code is listed at the Promotion Level. The Promotions without the Coupon Code displayed will not be recognized by NetSuite Connector.

  2. In NetSuite Connector, do the following:

    1. After setting up the Coupon Codes in NetSuite, log in to and go to the connector that you want to set up Promo Codes for.

    2. From Settings > Orders > Discount > Advanced Options, check the box POST COUPON CODE TO MATCHING PROMO CODE IN NETSUITE (APPLIES TO ALL SHOPIFY ACCOUNTS). This instructs NetSuite Connector to look for a matching Coupon Code in NetSuite if a Promo Code is used in the marketplace or cart.

    3. Enter the internal ID of the default discount item that you configured, as detailed in topic Managing Order Discounts in NetSuite Connector.

      If no Promo Code is found on the order, then NetSuite Connector will revert to using your default discount item.

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