Blank Value Field for Category Product Mapping in NetSuite Connector

NetSuite Connector uses the Category field to determine which set of mappings to use for a product. Most of the storefronts use only a single mapping category. In such cases, a special mapping rule is used with the flag field that checks if the flag field is not empty. If the flag field is not empty, then NetSuite Connector knows which mapping category to use.

The logic is that NetSuite Connector checks if an item should sync to a storefront. If yes, then use the selected mapping category, because there is only a single mapping category in use. When this logic is used, NetSuite Connector displays the field ID of the flag field in the NetSuite Field ID field and a blank Value field.

A blank Value field in your Category mapping is not necessarily an indication of an issue if the NetSuite Field ID field is populated.

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