Mapping Cart Categories in NetSuite Connector

This topic provides details to create a category mapping for the following:

To map a category for a cart:

  1. Log in to

  2. Select the connector and the relevant account.

  3. Go to Mappings > Products.

  4. Click the correct sync type button that you are setting up.

    Some connectors do not provide full product sync, so you may not see the Full Product Sync button for those connectors.

  5. Locate the flag field mapping in the list of product mappings.

    The field should contain the NetSuite field ID. Note the field ID.

  6. Click Add Mapping.

    The Add <marketplace/cart> Field Mapping window opens.

  7. From the Required list, select Category.

  8. Click Add Mapping.

  9. Click Close.

    The CATEGORY field now appears at the bottom of the product mappings list.

  10. Locate the CATEGORY mapping, and click Special Mapping – Click to Edit.

    The CATEGORY Mapping window opens.

  11. In the NetSuite Field ID field, enter the flag field ID that you noted in step 5.

  12. Click Save Changes.

For more information, read NetSuite Connector Product Categories.

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