Setting the Payment Preferences for Billing Accounts

With the SuiteBilling Enhancements SuiteApp, you can set the payment processing profile and payment instrument that will be used to process payment transactions for a billing account. These fields are available on billing account records only if the Credit Card Payments feature is enabled.

The SuiteApp determines the payment processing profile and payment instrument that will be used for customer payments based on the following hierarchy:

Payment Processing Profile

  1. Value in the Payment Processing Profile field on the bulk customer payments record

  2. Value in the Payment Processing Profile field on the billing account record

  3. Value in the Pref. CC Processor field on the customer record

  4. System default (which is the first payment processing profile in the record list)

Payment Instrument

  1. Value in the Payment Instrument field on the billing account record

  2. Default payment instrument on the customer record

To set the payment processing profile and payment instrument for billing accounts:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Billing Accounts.

  2. Click the Edit link for the billing account.

  3. Under SuiteBilling Enhancements, select a value for the following fields:

    • Payment Processing Profile – Select the payment processing profile that you want to use when processing payment transactions for this billing account. Options include all payment processing profiles set up in the account.

    • Payment Instrument – Select the payment instrument that you want to use when processing payment transactions for this billing account. When the Payment Instruments feature is enabled, options include all payment instruments associated with the selected customer. When the Payment Instruments feature is disabled, options include credit cards only. For information about payment instruments, see Payment Instruments.

  4. Click Save.

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