Mapping eBay Buyer IDs to Customer Records in NetSuite

The following procedure describe the instructions on mapping the buyer ID from the eBay order data to the customer record in NetSuite.

To map eBay Buyer IDs to customer records in NetSuite

  1. Identify the NetSuite field on the customer record that NetSuite Connector to post the Buyer ID to. To create a custom field, see Creating Custom Entity Fields.

  2. In NetSuite Connector, go to the eBay mappings page eBay connector > Mappings > Orders and select Customer tab.

  3. On the Customer Mappings page, click Add Mapping.

  4. On the Add NetSuite Mapping window, select the NetSuite field to map the eBay Buyer ID to from the dropdown list. If you are using a custom field, select Custom Field.

    If Custom Field is selected:

    1. A Custom Field ID field will appear below the NetSuite Field dropdown. Enter the Field ID of the custom field you created in NetSuite.

    2. Click Add Mapping.

    3. Click Close.

  5. In the Mapping Type column, select Order Header from the dropdown list.

    Selecting Order Header will change the eBay Field/Fixed Value column field into a dropdown.

  6. Under the eBay Field/Fixed Value column, select Buyer ID from the dropdown list.

  7. Click Save.

Your new mapping will be applied to all new orders. This mapping will not apply to orders already posted to NetSuite.

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