Transferring Packed Cartons onto Pallets

If you activate the Enable pallet packing rule, you can transfer packed cartons on to one or more pallets. You can transfer packed cartons onto a new pallet or one that already contains other packed orders. Until you ship a pallet, you can use it for orders processed through a different packing session, but have the same shipping method and carrier.

If you want to transfer to an existing pallet that has been used in a shipped fulfillment, you can activate the Use Pallets from Shipped Fulfillments rule. Other rules or capabilities that you use may modify the pallet packing flow.

For example, if you enable mobile printing and configure it to Automatic printing, the Print option does not appear on mobile pages. NetSuite automatically printsthe labels or documents in the backend.

For more information, see the following topics:

To transfer packed cartons onto pallets:

  1. To add a pallet, tap Add Pallet, and then do the following:

    1. On the Add Pallet popup window, do one of the following:

      • In the Scan/Enter Pallet field, scan or enter the pallet name.

      • For autogenerated carton IDs, you can edit or change the ID.

        For more information, see Defining Autogenerated ID Formats.

      • To select an existing pallet, tap Reuse Pallet. On the Reuse Pallet popup window, you can scan, enter, or select a pallet from a list.

    2. (Optional) If you use package weight calculation, in the Tare Weight field, enter the tare weight of the pallet.

    3. In the Pallet Size field, select a pallet size.

      If you select the Custom option, you can enter the length, width, and height of the pallet. To set up predefined pallet sizes, see Creating Packing Items for Cartons and Pallets.

    4. (Optional) To print a pallet label, tap Print Label.

    5. Tap Add Pallet.

    On the Pack Cartons on Pallets page, the new pallet appears in the panel located to the right of the Packed Cartons table. Repeat this step to add more pallets.

  2. On the Cartons to Pack table, tap Pack next to each carton that you want to transfer.


    To temporarily stop packing and save your task, tap Save & Close. When you leave a task unfinished, another operator can access and process it.

    Each selected carton moves to the Packed Cartons table. To transfer cartons to a different pallet, repeat from step 1.

  3. (Optional) You can do the following tasks to delete or unpack a pallet.


    If you delete or unpack an existing pallet that you are reusing, you remove the pallet or its cartons from your packing session only.

    • Delete a Pallet

      1. In the pallet panel, tap the pallet you want to delete.

      2. Tap Delete Pallet.

      3. On the popup window, the message informs you that any cartons on the pallet are moved back to the Cartons to Pack list. To confirm, tap Delete Pallet.

      The pallet is deleted from the panel.

    • Unpack a Pallet

      1. In the pallet panel, tap the pallet you want to unpack.

      2. Do one of the following:

        • To remove a specific carton from the pallet, tap Unpack next to the carton.

        • To remove all cartons from the pallet, tap Unpack Pallet.

          On the popup window, the message informs you that cartons on the pallet are moved back to the Cartons to Pack list. To confirm, tap Unpack Pallet to close the popup window.

    • Update a Pack Carton

      1. To update one or more pack cartons, tap Update Carton.

      2. On the Pack Items Into Cartons page, you can do the necessary updates.

        For instructions, see Packing Items into Cartons.

      3. Tap Next, and then tap Add to Pallet.

  4. After you transfer all the cartons onto pallets, tap Next.

  5. On the Summary page, you can review the list of packed orders and pallets.

    The options on this page appear depending on the rules and capabilities you use and their mandatory or optional settings. You can skip any optional tasks, but follow the order if you want to perform additional tasks before you submit the packed items.

    1. Print Pallet List – Tap this button to print the pallet list, including other documents, such as the bill of lading, that you have set up for mobile printing.

    2. Go to Staging – For Warehouse Management, tap this button, and then on the Enter Staging Bin page, do one of the following:

      • In the Scan/Enter Staging Bin field, scan or enter the outbound staging bin. If you enter the data, tap Enter Staging Bin.

      • From the Staging Bins list, tap the outbound staging bin you want to select.

      On the Staging Summary page, you can review the staging details.

    3. Complete Packing – Tap this button to submit the packed orders and return to the order selection page for carton packing. For instructions on carton packing, see Packing Items into Cartons.

To view the fulfillment details, see Viewing Packing and Shipment Details.

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