Packing Items that Ship Individually

Based on settings on item records, you can pack items that ship individually. You can pack one or more quantities of an item that ships individually, at the same time. Ship Central creates a carton for each quantity of the item. It can create pack cartons in bulk when you pack more than one quantity of an item. For more information about these items, see Creating Items for Ship Central.

On your mobile device, the packing flow may vary depending on the system rules you use and your item settings. For example, if you specify the item weight and pack carton dimensions on the item record, you can skip the manual entry of these details. You can also reopen cartons to add other items to an item that ships individually. For more information, see Ship Central Packing or Packing Items into Cartons.

To pack items that ship individually:

  1. On the Main Menu page, tap Packing.

  2. On the Select Order page, tap one of the following order transactions: Sales Order or Transfer Order.

    The names and labels on succeeding pages depend on the order transaction that you select.

  3. If you use Warehouse Management and your location has multiple bins, on the Select Bin page, do the following:

    1. If you want to change the bin filter, tap the table icon. Then, in the Bin Type filter, you can select Outbound Staging Bins, which is the default setting. Otherwise, select All Bins to also display other bin types, including Inbound Staging, Picking, and None.

    2. From the Bins list, tap the bin that contains the picked items you want to pack. Alternatively, tap Show Orders from All Displayed Bins to display orders from all the bins displayed in the list.

    Based on your Bin Type filter, the list may include orders associated with outbound staging bins only or with other bin types used for staging. Regardless of your filter, the list also includes orders for non-inventory items.

  4. On the Sales Order page, do the following:

    1. If you want to change the pick status filter, tap the table icon. Then, in the Pick Status field, select one of the following options: Include Partially Picked or Exclude Partially Picked, which is the default setting.

    2. From the orders list, tap the box next to the order you want to select.


      To continue packing an order in a previous session, tap the order in Started pack status. Then, select other orders that may appear in the list. These orders have been previously selected for packing at the same time.

      Alternatively, in the Scan/Enter Sales Order or Pick Carton field, scan or enter an order associated with the items you want to pack. If you use pick cartons for Warehouse Management, you can scan or enter the pick carton that contains the items. If you enter the data, press Enter. The order that you scan or enter is automatically selected on the table.

    3. If you have other orders for the same customer and shipping details, you can select, scan, or enter those that you want to pack at the same time. To select all of these orders, tap the box on the table header. If you enter the data, press Enter.

    4. Tap Enter Order.

    5. For orders that have items in separate bins or pick cartons, the Order Details page appears. You can view the list of bins or cartons per order. Then, tap Pack Order to continue.

      Make sure that you pack the items from all pick cartons or bins associated with the orders.

  5. On the Pack Items into Cartons page, to pack items that ship individually, do the following:


    If you want to temporarily stop packing and save your task, tap Save & Close. When you leave a task unfinished, another operator can access and process it.

    1. From the Items to Pack table, tap Pack next to an item that appears with the box icon.

      Alternatively, in the Scan/Enter Pick Carton or Item field, scan or enter the item, UPC, lot number, or serial number. You can also scan an item's bar code in GS1 DataMatrix format if configured for the item. If you use pick cartons for Warehouse Management, you can scan or enter the pick carton. If you enter the data, press Enter to proceed. For more information, see Bar Code Scanning for SCM Mobile or Picking Orders.

      Items with a single quantity for packing automatically transfer to the Packed Items table, with a closed pack carton. This behavior also applies when you scan an item bar code that specifies the quantity. Skip step 6.

    2. If you are able to display instructions, a popup window appears with the packing instructions. To close the window, tap OK.

    Item, order line, or both instructions appear on the popup window. To display packing instructions and item descriptions on this table, tap the table icon. On the popup window, from Visible Columns list, tap Packing Instructions or Item Description. To close the window, tap Done.

    To enter the quantity for regular or lot items, see step 7. For serialized items, see step 8.

  6. For items with multiple quantities for packing or lot items, on the popup window, do the following:

    1. For lot items, in the Scan/Enter Lot Number field, scan or enter the lot number. If you enter the data, tap Enter Lot Number to proceed.

      Alternatively, you can tap the Show All Lot Numbers toggle, and then tap a lot number from a list.

    2. In the Enter Quantity field, enter the number of items you want to pack.

    3. If you want to manually print a pack carton label and other documents, tap Print Label.

    4. Tap Enter Quantity.

  7. To enter the quantity for serialized items, on the Item popup window, do the following:

    1. In the Enter Quantity field, enter the number of items you want to add to the carton. Then, tap Enter Quantity.

    2. In the Scan/Enter Serial Number field, scan or enter a serial number. If you enter the data, press Enter after each serial number.


      For bar codes of serialized items that have a unit other than the base unit, make sure that the unit of measure for a single quantity equates to 1.

      Alternatively, you can tap the Show All Serial Numbers toggle, and then select from a list.

      The quantity of serial numbers must match the quantity you enter in step 7.a.

    3. Tap Enter Serial Number.

  8. (Optional) For manual printing, on the Print popup window, you can print the pack carton label.

  9. To enter pack carton details, on the Pack Carton popup window, set values in the following fields:


    If you set up a default item weight and predefined carton sizes, you can skip the steps for entering the weight. For more information, see Creating Items for Ship Central or Creating Packing Items for Cartons and Pallets.

    1. In the Unit field, select a unit of measure for the weight.

    2. (Optional) If you use package weight calculation, in the Tare Weight field, enter the tare weight of the carton.

    3. In the Carton Weight field, enter the numeric value of the carton’s weight. If you set up calculated default weights, you can edit it.

      Alternatively, if you set up your weighing scale, tap Capture Weight. If you change the unit after tapping this button, tap it again to display the converted weight value. If you use package weight calculation, the app displays the scale weight’s variance from the calculated weight in the Weight Variance field.

      For more information, see Package Weight Entry or Calculation or Weighing Scale Support.

    4. In the Carton Size field, select a predefined size or select Custom to enter the length, width, and depth.

      To set up predefined pack carton sizes, see Creating Packing Items for Cartons and Pallets.

    5. If you want to manually print a pack carton label and other documents, tap Print Label.

    6. Tap Pack Carton.

  10. To update or remove items, see the following topics:

  11. After you pack all the items, tap Next.

  12. On the Packing Summary page, you can review the list of packed orders and cartons.

    On this page, additional options may appear depending on the rules and capabilities that you use and their settings.

    For example, you activate both the Enable pallet packing and Allow staging rules. With a Mandatory setting for the Enable pallet packing rule, you can perform staging only after you complete the pallet packing. In this case, the Staging button does not appear on the page.

    Make sure you complete additional or optional tasks before you submit the packed cartons or proceed to another process.

    1. Print Carton List – Tap this button to print the carton list, including other documents, such as the bill of lading, that you have set up for mobile printing.

    2. Go to Staging – For Warehouse Management, tap this button, and then on the Enter Staging Bin page, do one of the following:


      After you stage your packed cartons, you cannot transfer them onto a pallet anymore.

      • In the Scan/Enter Staging Bin field, scan or enter the outbound staging bin. If you enter the data, tap Enter Staging Bin.

      • From the Staging Bins list, tap the outbound staging bin you want to select. On the Staging Summary page, you can review the staging details.

      On the Staging Summary page, you can review the staging details.

    3. Do any of the following:

      • Go to Shipping – If you activate the Add shipping option rule, you can tap this button to process the packed orders for shipping. To continue, see step 5 of the instructions under Shipping Packed Orders.

        Alternatively, you can process the orders for shipping after you transfer the packed cartons to a pallet.

      • Mark as Shipped – If you activate the Show Mark as Shipped option rule, you can tap this button to change the associated item fulfillment’s status from Picked to Shipped.

      • Add to Pallet – Tap this button to proceed to pallet packing. For instructions, see Transferring Packed Cartons onto Pallets.

      • Complete Packing – Tap this button to complete the current orders and go back to the order selection page for carton packing. To pack other orders, return to step 4.

Reopening Packed Cartons

If you activate the Reopen cartons that ship as is rule, you can open cartons for items that ship as is, which are automatically closed during packing. Then, you can add other items to the reopened carton.

To reopen packed cartons:

  1. Tap Open Carton.

  2. On the popup window, tap the boxes next to the cartons you want to reopen. Then, tap OpenCarton.

  3. Optionally, from the Items to Pack table, you can tap Pack next to an item that you want to include in the carton.

    Alternatively, to remove items from the carton, from the Items Packed table, you can tap Unpack next to an item.

  4. To continue packing, you can return to step 5 of the main procedure, To pack items that ship individually:

Within the NetSuite user interface, you can view the updated fulfillment records and order transactions with packing details. To view the packing details, see Viewing Packing and Shipment Details.

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