Ship Central Packing

You can pack fully picked or partially picked items on the app. Regardless of the picked quantity, you cannot partially pack these items. If you have items that ship as is, you can process them for individual packing.

As you pack items into one or more cartons, you can enter the packing details on your kiosk device. Depending on your setup, you can also transfer the packed cartons onto pallets. You can track the packing status and updates on order transactions and item fulfillments.


You should not update picked order transactions, including their item fulfillments during or after packing them through the app. It may cause discrepancies between transactions and mismatched data on printed labels and lists. You may also encounter further issues as you process them for packing and shipping on the app.

When you activate Ship Central rules or enable SCM Mobile app capabilities, you modify the carton or pallet packing flow.

For example, if you enable mobile printing and set it to Automatic printing, the Print option does not appear on mobile pages. Ship Central automatically prints the labels or documents after you enter all the required details.

System rules and other capabilities for packing are described in these topics:

For the complete list of Ship Central rules or capabilities, see Configuring Ship Central Rules or Mobile Printing and Weighing Scale Setup.

To pack orders through the app, see the procedures in these topics:

Package Weight Entry or Calculation

By default, the app automatically assigns 1 lb as the package weight for shipments. When you pack a carton through the app, you can manually enter its weight. If you use the following capabilities, note how the app obtains the package weight:

  • Weighing Scale Support – With this capability, the app obtains the weight of each packed carton from your weighing scale. It applies the default weight unit or the one you select if you activate the Set Default Weight Unit rule.

    On the app, you can still change the weight or unit for each packed carton. For more information, see Weighing Scale Support.

  • Calculate default carton weight rule – With this system rule, the app calculates the package weight based on item weights and the tare weight of a carton. It obtains the individual weights that you set up on item records. It adds the tare weight that you enter on the app when you add a carton. If you use pallets, it adds the pallet’s tare weight that you also provide on the app.

If you enable both weighing scale and calculated weights, the app follows the weighing scale to apply the actual weight. It also displays the variance from the calculated weight.

After you pack orders, Ship Central updates their item fulfillments with the package weight. It applies the unit of the subsidiary associated with the fulfillment.

Packing Instructions

If you use the Show Packing Instructions rule, you can view the instructions and item descriptions on the app. When you pack an item, the app automatically shows the instructions on a popup window. It shows the instructions that you enter on both the order line and item record.

On the Items to Pack table, you can display columns for both instructions and item descriptions. It shows the sales description by default or the purchase description as an alternative, which you both provide on item records.

Packing with NetSuite and NetSuite WMS Settings

The following features and capabilities that you enable based on your fulfillment requirements may change the packing flow:

  • Multiple Shipping Routes – To pack items from multiple orders at the same time, the orders must have the same customer, shipping carrier, method, and address. If you use item line shipping for the Multiple Shipping Routes feature, these details must be the same for the order lines you want to process at the same time.


    If you start packing an order and continue at a later time, the order moves to the Started pack status on the app. When you access the Started orders again, you cannot add more orders even those that have the same shipping details.

  • Settings for order fulfillment – The fulfillments of orders you want to pack must be set to Picked status. The following settings may cause fulfillments to be set to other statuses:

  • Use Carton rules – If you activate a Use Carton rule for NetSuite WMS, you can also pack orders from pick cartons through the Ship Central app. You can search for orders associated with a pick carton that you enter through the NetSuite WMS app. You cannot search those from cartons that you directly enter on a fulfillment record. Also, this rule does not enable you to pack a specific carton from an order. See System Rules for NetSuite WMS.

  • Item record settings – On the item record, the settings that affect the packing process include the following:

    • For items that ship as is, you can define the pack carton dimensions and weight on item records. When you pack them using a kiosk device, you can skip the manual entry of these details.

    • For item bar code scanning, you can set the fields to scan GS1 item bar codes and to enable tally scanning for an item.

    For more information, see Creating Items for Ship Central. For information about supported transactions and items, see Supported Transactions and Item Types.

  • Pick Reversal – If you use NetSuite WMS, you can still reverse pick tasks for items included in packed orders. In this case, the app deletes the associated pack carton and ship manifest. For other changes due to pick reversals, see Pick Task Reversal.

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