Event Date and Time Fields

Before using the CSV Import Assistant to work with event records, you need to understand the Reserve Time, Date, and End Date fields. These fields are closely related to one another.

Reserve Time

The Reserve Time field indicates whether the system blocks off time on attendees’ calendars for the event.

Possible values are:

The Reserve Time field is required, but if you do not include a mapping for this value, the system uses the default, which is Yes. This default does not show up on the Import Assistant mapping page.


The Date field indicates the day an event takes place and, in some cases, the exact time it begins. The behavior of this field varies depending on the value of the Reserve Time field, as follows:

End Date

The End Date field is used to indicate the date and time that the event ends. It also marks the end of the time that is reserved on attendees’ calendars for the event.

The End Date field is used only if Reserve Time is set to Yes, and in these cases the field is required. However, you can omit an End Date column from your CSV file and the system will automatically create end dates and times.

If you do map values for End Date, the date you choose for any event must be the same as the date used in the Date field. The reason is that an event cannot span two days. Further, the End Date column must include both a date and a time. For example: 08/12/2013 10:00 AM.


The values in both the Date and End Date fields must match the NetSuite formatting preference for the person doing the import. For additional tips, see Avoiding Event Date/Time Formatting Errors.


The values for dates and times are not labeled the same way in the Import Assistant as they are in the standard event form in the UI. For a comparison, see How Mapped Event Date Values Display in the UI.

The Import Assistant is available at Setup > Import/Export > Import Tasks > Import CSV Records. After you select the record type for import, you choose the import character encoding. For more information, see Select a Record Type for Import and Choose Import Character Encoding.

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