Set Up NetSuite for Localized Content

To enable your website for localized content:

  1. If setting up your site for multiple languages, verify that the Multi-Language feature is enabled:

    1. In NetSuite, go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features.

    2. On the Company subtab, check the Multi-Language box.

    3. Click Save.

  2. Verify that all languages available on your site are defined in your Company General Preferences:

    1. Go to Setup > Company > Preferences > General Preferences.

    2. On the Languages subtab, select and add each language that you want to make available in your NetSuite account and on your website.

    3. Click Save.

    Only languages that have been enabled in your Company General Preferences are available. See Configuring Multiple Languages for more information.

  3. Verify that all desired languages are enabled in the Web Site Setup page.

    1. In NetSuite, go to Commerce > Websites > Website List.

    2. Click Edit for the desired website.

    3. Navigate to the Shopping tab and Languages subtab.

    4. Enable the checkbox in the Online column for each language you want enabled on the site.

      Shows several languages enabled in the Languages subtab and U.S. English set as the default language.
    5. Verify that item names and descriptions have associated translation fields for each language.

      When translation fields are populated in the item record, the corresponding translated fields display in the web store.


      Translation of custom fields on item records is not currently supported. Any data returned from custom fields for items in a web store does not have corresponding translated strings.

      For detailed instructions, see Working With Multi-Language Names and Descriptions.

    6. Click Save.

  4. Verify that all desired currencies are enabled in the Web Site Setup page.

    1. In NetSuite, go to Commerce > Websites > Website List.


      Currencies must be set up in NetSuite to appear in this list. See Currency Management for information on adding currencies to NetSuite.

    2. Click Edit for the desired website.

    3. Navigate to the Shopping tab and Currency subtab.

    4. Enable the checkbox in the Online column for each currency you want enabled on the site.

      Shows enabled currencies in the Currency subtab and a default currency of USD.
    5. Click Save.

  5. If setting up your site for multiple languages and currencies, you must set up the hosts array. See Configure Hosts for Sites with Multiple Languages.

    After your website is set up and customized to support multiple languages, the location drop-down selector is available by default in the upper left region of your website.

    Shows how the location selector looks in your website.

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