Copying Project Tasks

You can copy project tasks between projects and within projects. When copying a project task, you can choose to also copy the task assignments, budgets, and any child tasks.


Administrators automatically have permission to copy project tasks. All other roles must be customized to add the required permissions before they can copy project tasks.

To add permission to copy project tasks:

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.

  2. Click Customize or Edit next to the role you want to give permission to copy project tasks.

  3. In the Name field, you can change the name for your new custom role.

  4. On the Permissions subtab, click Setup.

  5. In the Permission column, select Copy Project Tasks.

  6. Click Add.

  7. Click Lists.

  8. In the Permission column, select Project Tasks.

  9. In the Level column, select a level for the project tasks permission. A minimum of Create is required to copy project tasks.

  10. When you have finished, click Save.

You can now assign this custom role to any employees you want to copy project tasks. For information on assigning roles, see Giving an Employee Access to NetSuite.

To copy a project task:

  1. Go to Activities > Scheduling > Project Tasks.

  2. Click View next to the project task you want to copy.

  3. Under More Actions at the top of the page, click Copy. A new window opens.

    Alternatively, you can also click Copy next to the project task you want to copy in the Schedule subtab of the project record.

  4. In the Target Project field, select the project into which you want to copy this task.

  5. If you want this task to be a child task, select the parent project task.

  6. If you want to change the name of this task, enter a new name in the Project Task field.

  7. Check the Copy Assignments box to copy any resource assignments on this task.

  8. Check the Copy Budget box to copy any billing and cost budgets associated with this task.

  9. If this task is a parent task, you can clear the Copy Children box if you do not want child tasks to be copied.

  10. When you have finished, click Copy.

Your new task is now available on the target project. You can also access and copy project tasks from the Schedule subtab of the project record by clicking Copy next to the task you want to copy.

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